New to breeding my Atherton pythons

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Not so new Member
Apr 1, 2010
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Hi everyone - early this year I bought a gorgeous pair of Atherton Pythons that are almost 2years old. I have them housed together. I hope to breed them this season. As I'm only a beginner,I would like some advice on how and what i should do to encourage them !! I have been told I should separate them for a few weeks? Any help would be greatly apprediated. What temp should their enclosure be this time of year?
Thanks everyone
might be a tad late this year. you need to prep them earlier on in the the year, getting condition on the female, start the cooling cycle etc.

if you are unsure on how to breed and incubate etc perhaps you would be better off spending some time this year researching and getting the snakes in good condition for breeding and give it a crack next year. Keeping and Breeding Aust. Pythons is a great book to start with. Have a look at Herp Books if you want to get a copy.
I am sure you also should house them separately for breeding because they get too used to one another and become like 'brother and sister'. Also if you go to the Southern cross Reptiles site there is an excellent article by Doc Roc (Simon Stone) about why it is not advisable to keep snakes together...and after getting two such lovely athertons it would be a shame if one made a mistake and ate the other one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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