Newbie help please! :)

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Not so new Member
Apr 6, 2013
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Hi all,

We are looking at getting a blue tongue for my son for his birthday next week... This comes after several months of research, discussions etc

I will be getting the reptile licence (we are in QLD) as he is not quite old enough for one yet, so that is fine...

Just wanted to ask whereabouts in Brisbane would be the best place to get a lizard from? I am currently looking for a second-hand tank/enclosure to start off with, before progressing to a bigger and better one, and have seen a few around, but trying to make sure that they are ok for a blue tongue, and what else we need for one would be great...

Any help, suggestions, advice appreciated :)


theres probably blue tongues at your pet stores? or just look on here, maybe there is a reptile shope? google reptile stores in QLD maybe, idk. haha best of luck! blueys are great for kids!
Welcome.. I think I seen some Blue tongues on here forsale. Look at the Market Place under Lizards.
So most will aggree that a 4' enclosure will eb suitable for an adult bluetongue. obviously if you wanted you could start small and upgrade as you go or just buy the big one and stick with it forever. you will need a food and water bowl, preferably nice and shallow as they are a bit special skinks. heat lamps work the best with a good 35 degree basking spot on a nice flat rock or tile although arguably not necessary a UVB globe is recommended. Think about substrate as they like to bury themselves but you will have to consider ease of cleaning as well. Regarding where to get one, its up to you and depends whether you want a baby or a juvi or an adult, private breeders would be my choice but theres nothign wrong with the pet shop ones, if your just chasing an eastern bluey.
The 2nd one works, the first link didn't work for me.

The one in 2nd link is pretty small. For a young one probably ok but you will need to upgrade as you go along.

If you look for a 3 to 4 ft enclosure that will do it for life.
Hi all,

I picked up a tank this morning - it is only fairly small, but will only be using it for a few months - it is a good starter tank, not a "forever" tank... It has a mesh top with a light fitting in it, and the tank also has a hole at the top (on the side of the tank, near a corner). It is a round hole, I am guessing it would be a light fitting hole as well?? I know I can't leave it as a hole, or the lizard might get out, so do I put another light fitting in it?? If anyone can help me with advice, I can take some pics??

I am planning on getting the other bits required during the week, and may have found someone to get a baby bluey from - Thanks Sandee :)

My son is very excited :)

Thanks for all the help so far, can see I will become a regular on the forums (especially seeing as at some point I would like to get a snake as well!)

you could put your UVB blulb in the second light fitting if thats what it is. pictures would help
Hi all,

Well, we are well on the way to lizard ownership - and potentially a new hobby! :) Have got the tank, went today and looked at the bits and pieces we will need to put in it, am now the proud bearer of a brand new RWL, and have organised to obtain a baby Bluey on Sat afternoon, with some hands on advice with feeding and handling as well! :) Just have to actually get the bits for the tank, figure out whether I will be setting it up or leaving it for my son to setup, and wait for the arrival of our new baby!

Thanks all

Nice my first lizard was a blue tongue and I loved him best handler and feeder an am sure your son will love him
One important thing to remember is while handling the bluie ...never put him down on the couch or the floor not even for a minute while you get a drink or go to the toilet..
the little fellas can scoot off out of sight at amazing speed and finding them is not easy :) They can climb up high too especially on flywire doors :)

Have fun with your new bluie

Sandee :)
Thanks guys :)

Just a quick question, what is the better substrate to go with - reptile sand, or something like Kritter Krumble??
Think I have everything else sussed out as to what to get, but trying to decide which one to go for is a little tricky...

Bunnings is your friend....

Soft fall bark is good ...

No sand

Even shredded newspaper is good ... looks terrible but is free and very absorbent

Bluies like to burrow and hide

Mine like barley straw although they are kept outdoors

Whatever you choose make sure it is dust free as dust will irritate the bluies eyes

Sandee :)
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Hi all

Another question - what is the best / easiest way to add an extra light fitting to the tank, and where do I find the fitting?? The top has one light fitting on it, and there is a hole in the top of the side of the tank, but the timber frame of the top sits over the top of the hole, meaning there is no room to put a fitting on with the top sitting on properly?!?!

Is it easier to cover the hole with something and sit a dome reflector on top of the mesh on the top??

Thanks again...

If you post a pic of the tank it will make it easier for us all to offer you some suggestions. Even phone pics are ok.
I have phone pics, just trying to work out how to get them onto the computer and then onto here...


Your phone should of come with a USB cable , plug into phone and Pc, it will register it on your pc , go into my computer look for the drive there, your phots should be in a file folder DCIM and you should be able to upload from there onto your profile :)
If you have a smart phone get the tap a talk app and you can access the forum from your phone and post pics directly from your phone. It's only a couple of dollars.
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