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Not so new Member
Oct 23, 2008
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Hey all
Im very new to this so go easy please. I havent got a snake yet, but doin a lot of research and am baffed whith this scenario, cant find answers.
With hatchlings- are they best fed in their click clack or moved into a seperate container?
I know they are not to be handled for at least 48 hrs after eating so, how do you move them back into click clack if they cant be handled? Or have I just answered my own question by NOT removing hatchlings whilst feeding.

p.s Sorry if topic has been covered
Troopy...I feed mine in a sepasrate click clack....then just tip the feeding container into its home...he/she will move to somewhere it feels secure preety quickly
You can do either, I just feed in the same tub, quicker and easier.
It depends, some snakes don't feed in seperate containers, however if yours is a messy eater then feeding in a seperate container will be easier of course. After your snake finishes eating the mice, leave it alone for a few minutes or until the lump has gone down to about half way. Then, just pick her up, make sure you support where the lump is.
its only neccacry to move the snake to a differant enclosure if you have more than one snake in the enclosure,(wich imo you should never do ever unless your trying to stiumulate mateing) otherwise its probably just uneccacary stress on the animal leave it in the enclosure to feed.

the reason alot of people dont feed in the enclosure is because its believed that the snake will accosiate the door opening with food. while this is possible aslong as you are handling the snake as well this should never occure.

and tipping it into its enclosure soundls like a good way to potentially injure the snake its got a whole fuzzy rat in there and tipping it even super carefully could cause it stress or it could roll and twist itself many bad things could happen. you should try just putting the feeding tub back into its enclosure and let the snake mossie on out in its own time if you feel its absolutly neccacary to feed outside of its enclosure.
Fair comment hoog...but by tipping...I didnt mean TIPPING.....I just lower the feeding tub and let the snake crawl in...doesnt seem to take too much seems to recognise its lil secure haven
Thanks for the quick replies
Only reason I want a seperate feed container is to get snake used to being picked up out of its home without thinking its feed time when i stick my hand in.

Thanks again
My thoughts exactly troopy...only problem is maccie thinks everthing that moves is food!!!!!

Thats my only concern. Missus aint too fussed on the whole SNAKE thing to begin with, and if i've got a feisty little bugger that wants to HIT me every time I crack the lid, theres NO way she is going near it.....(Mmm....maybe im onto something there, footy season= me and snake in lounge)
i feed all mine in a feeding enclosure, i find it makes them alot easier to handle. i just wait about half an hour after feed and carefully go to pick it up. make sure mouth is realined.

they just meen by can't be handle them for 48 hours is a normal handle just quickly pick it up and put it back in the cage but gently so it doesn't regurgitate its food.
I feed my two bredli in a different click clack cause it gives me a chance to clean their home one out. Then about 30 mins after they've eaten, I just use the hook to gently lift them back across to their other click clack. If you don't want to handle the snake after it's eaten try and find a hide that has a floor in it, and you'll usually find that the snake goes back inside the hide after it's eaten and then you can just pick the whole thing up and put it back in it's home.
I feed my two bredli in a different click clack cause it gives me a chance to clean their home one out. Then about 30 mins after they've eaten, I just use the hook to gently lift them back across to their other click clack. If you don't want to handle the snake after it's eaten try and find a hide that has a floor in it, and you'll usually find that the snake goes back inside the hide after it's eaten and then you can just pick the whole thing up and put it back in it's home.

Thats a FANTASTIC idea Jewly. Never thought of that
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