Active Member
Just wondering if I could get some feedback on when your spotted hatchling stopped nipping, or became more placid....
My spotted was a lil nippy when he was a hatchie, nothing crazy though) but with regular handling he has become soooo calm. He is 2 and a half and in the last two years has bitten once. Only because my mum stuck her hand in the enclosure to move a mouse she had put in there - not the wisest move
on dear... lol yes, not the wisest idea... hehe
I had refrained from picking him up, because he was new to his environment, but then he ate a pinky no problems. So I left him 3 days to digest, and have started picking him up again.
Is it right to assume that handling him more and more is going to get him more used to being handled? or is this likely to be pushing him??
P.s. i got mine from the same person you got yours from, is yours from stumpy ot the other one??