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Active Member
Jan 5, 2008
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In the bush
Hi all
Living in Oenpelli I have a fascination with the Oenpelli Python. I have permision from local Aboriginal people to catch some. I have applied for a permit for a water python that was given to me buy the locals and was still rejected.

I am going to apply for a breeding permit ( for pet trade and conservation). After speaking to a ranger I was informed many people have tried and failed. The permit mob are very strict.

My chances are very slim of this being approved

Because of there size I will need to build an enclosure similar to a bird avery and an egg Incubator. Does anyone have plans for an incubator?

what do you think? would you buy one? how much do you expect to pay for one?
Beano05;1107853 Because of there size I will need to build an enclosure similar to a bird avery and an egg Incubator. Does anyone have plans for an incubator? what do you think? would you buy one? how much do you expect to pay for one? [URL said:

I think your jumping the gun a little bit worrying about a cage or incubator. Your chances are practically nill of getting approval to capture and breed these animals as a commercial venture. Like you say, plenty have tried and failed. What kind of track record do you have breeding pythons? Just because you can get permission to collect from the local land owners doesn't mean you can just go and round them up.
I met some Columbians who said i could have all this white powder. I have their permission so i need to build up a distribution network. Ive approached the authorities but they wouldnt even allow me to sell the starry leafed plants the local farmer had given me. I'll need small private army and a fortress. What do you think.


If you can pull it off then get someone with a track record to help you.
I met some Columbians who said i could have all this white powder. I have their permission so i need to build up a distribution network. Ive approached the authorities but they wouldnt even allow me to sell the starry leafed plants the local farmer had given me. I'll need small private army and a fortress. What do you think.


If you can pull it off then get someone with a track record to help you.

Yes to make sure you dont put the python up your nose!
Get permission to do some surveys instead..

Just a humble opinion...
I think your jumping the gun a little bit worrying about a cage or incubator. Your chances are practically nill of getting approval to capture and breed these animals as a commercial venture. Like you say, plenty have tried and failed. What kind of track record do you have breeding pythons? Just because you can get permission to collect from the local land owners doesn't mean you can just go and round them up.

To clarify from your response
1. If approved I would build an enclosure not before, why waste time and money!
2. I would'nt just go and round them up because the locals said I could (you need permission from both) :evil: .
3. A commercial venture like this could take years to establish

you assume too much!
or you could get permission to round them up, move to victoria and get a schedule 7 license??? just an idea
Beano - You want constructive thoughts? Go and get your permit, THEN come and post here...I would put my life savings on it that we would never see that thread again...

If you cant get a permit to KEEP a Water what on earth makes you think you will get a permit to COLLECT Oenpelli? please fill us in...
Whats wrong with trying? if you disagree then fine I respect your opinion! but there is no need to be disrespectful!
I would be interested to hear the NT authorities standpoint on oenopellis, considering they have a quite relaxed standpoint on wild taking of alot of their other herps, because as far as i am concerned, the poor record the Territory Wildlife Park has had with them vs. the sucess that Peter Krauss had, is more than enough reason to put a few more eggs into a few more baskets.
Beano - You want constructive thoughts? Go and get your permit, THEN come and post here...I would put my life savings on it that we would never see that thread again...

If you cant get a permit to KEEP a Water what on earth makes you think you will get a permit to COLLECT Oenpelli? please fill us in...
for conservation as well
nothing wrong with trying, if there were no herpers wiling to put the effort in imagine how many species would have never made it into captivity.
True Hornet, but in this case, it aint happening. You should at least know the full captive history of M.oenpelliensis in Australia, before attempting but then again if you did, you wouldn't bother trying......
isnt the problem with collecting onepelli with the natives anyway? so if there willing to let one person collect them then maybe he could team up with someone with alot of experience with these things and together work them into captivity... it wouldnt be easy and its not the sort of thing that happens over night, but if you get someone who has permission from the authorities and someone that has permission from the natives then it could work?

probably stupid but just a thought
It easier to protect them when there are none on rec licences. How much would they be worth???? you think people wouldn't go raiding the joint (even more) if they could get a mate to write some up??? Due to their restricted range, they would become red listed very quickly.
nothing wrong with having an idea. its a tall task but nothing will ever get finished if it isnt started first.
as mentioned, it is probably best to wait until you get permission before you go ahead with the enclosure.
best of luck with it.
were pretty much shooting ourselves in the foot as Jason said people would get greedy...

its a hard task beano, but one day i would love to see them in captivity
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