Olive HELP

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Thank's for looking iv'e got an olive python that's been force fed it's 7mth's old can anyone help with any idea's to get him to eat as not a fan of force feeding tried braining,live,egg dipping as searching older post's.What is the safest way to force feed if any thank's again for your help
Thank's for looking iv'e got an olive python that's been force fed it's 7mth's old can anyone help with any idea's to get him to eat as not a fan of force feeding tried braining,live,egg dipping as searching older post's.What is the safest way to force feed if any thank's again for your help
You shouldn't have top force feed Olives! Try chicken fat or Quails.
Has it always been force-fed? Can you post a pic of the set up he/she is kept in?
thank's wokka just perchased him and i never want to force feed any of my snake's never tried chicken fat give any thing a go thank's again
ive nver been in this situationmyself but i have heard if mice is your preferred feeding option and they are not taking it then u can rub the mouse up against some chicken to give it the chicken scent...maybe just an idea to consider

i hope this helps and u get your olive feeding soon :) cheers dean
even put the mouse into some no name chicken soup always worked for me. the sachet style
Thank's for all your help as he just took a small mouse after rubbing it on some fatty chicken fillet's out of the fridge thank's to all for your help. Wokka you da man thank's bro
Great to hear!!! Olives are great...... well my two new ones are!!. My 7yr old female just shed so the next day i offered her a lg rat which she smashed but only to release a few mins later
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