olive python shedding question

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Jun 23, 2009
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hey everyone, sorry am new to this site and quiet new to having my own python.
i have an olive python, which i have a few queries with.

First of all he is from last years clutch and is approx 2m and about 50mm thick. i would believe this is a good size for his age.

Currently i believe he is shedding and has been for the last couple of weeks, but not like his past sheds, it is ,more like a drandruff or lose scales. i m a bit concerned thinking it could be some type of problem. the last shed he had trouble just getting the dregs off, so a little warm bath helped, but this is more like it comes off some what powdery in your hand after handling him.
should i be concerned?

also i feed him quiet regular on defrosted x-large rats. i m a little curious on how other people defrost or prepare them. i leave mine out and then put them with some warm water to bring their body temp up, and dry them if need be.
is this a good or bad thing??

any help on these topics would be great.

i really enjoy having my own reptile and have loved watching him grow.
low humidity maybe..? how big is his water bowl..?
my python is doing the same this month I dont now whether it is the change of seasons(weather) Or is it something else??
I also defrost my rats by putting them in hot water to gt there body heat up and I have found for the past year that there is nothing wrong with this method.
I have a large water bowl in my cage and i also have theat set between 27-30 but i dont theni the heat is actually reachind the water bowl to make the humidity go up, soo I started misting his cage last week and this seems to do abselutly nothing.
sorry I'm asking soo many questions in your thread novasindustries but I think me and you have the same problem.
thank you for your replies.
i have 2 water bowls in the tank, one little near the heat lamp and the other in a cooler spot of the tank, away from the heat source.
Misting?? excuse my ignorance, but i have no idea to be honset on wat to do exactly.

with the feeding and defrosting, thank you for replying also, as that has been a little concern of mine, but thought if it was ok for us humans to defrost meat in a similar fashion.

any other tips peeps?
The way i mist is by getting a spray bottle filled with fresh water, adjust it to mist not jet, and spray the enclosure slightly just to increase the humidity, if there is room in the enclosure you can add aditional water bowels or larger ones. I defrost my food by simply putting it in a bowel of hot tap water, deforst it and feel when its thawed .
Misting = just get a litle spray bottle and spray the inside of the enclosure and/or snake
fantastic people!!

very much appreciated, and will get onto this misting thing tonight!

also tank temp?? i have a probe reading about 30' .
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