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Just an update!

ok so this is what happened, I got the snake hook, i grabbed out my little coastal the demon from hell!

as i put my hand underneath her to get her off the hook, her head went all stiff then BANG she got me good!

and anyone that has told me that it doesnt hurt you are fibbers lol either that or im a sook!


I didnt let it detour me, i just closed my eyes and continued to grab her out, where she proceeded to bite me again lol but after i got her off the hook and walked downstairs with her she was fine.

So thankyou to everyone for your fantastic advise, i think after a couple of months me and tisha will be best mates! hahahahahaha probably not! but i wont give up!:oops:
Try what my cousin did with her jungle.... She knew it was inevitable so before she fed it she had a few Souther Comforts and then offered it the mouse..................
Sure enough it got her, but then she knew what she was in for if it happened again, which she felt was better than not knowing and waiting.

Odd way of looking at it but anyway....
she looks so funny too..:)

At least I don't end up covered in blood like you did. :p:p:p

I got Jeremiah out again today and he only tried to bite once or twice, but with my trusty gloves on, I didn't feel a thing. I took him outside again and he loved being out and he really calmed down quickly this time. And to think the 2 foot worm had me scared a few weeks back. :lol:
still use the hook ,but buy yourself a pair of welders gloves (about $15 in bunnings) that come up to your elbows, you won't feel it if it bites you and once you've settled down take them off. Do this until it stops tring to bite you.
yeah i kinda dont want to use the gloves i want to get myself used to it, and now the demon snake has bitten me im all good with her, its now just the big boy. my jungle.

I dont think ill have too much problems with him, ill just have to have a few coldies first then grab him and see what happens lol.

you all have fantastic advise, im very glad that i asked now.:lol:
For the people that use stiff heavy gloves, how do you know that you arent squeezing the poor blighters too tightly when you pick them up?

Also - I'm the biggest sook when it comes to juvenile snakes - I really cant make myself pick up an animal that is in strike pose, or trying to eat my finger - The only thing I have found to counter this is to have one or two mates over and then its kind of the whole bravado thing gets me through it :)

Funny thing is that the adults (which are big enough to do some real damage) dont phase me at all...
For the people that use stiff heavy gloves, how do you know that you arent squeezing the poor blighters too tightly when you pick them up?...

don't get the stiff heavy ones :) buy the softer ones. Use the hook and only use your hand under them to lift them, don't squeeze them ;)
With my snappy ones, I just wear some gloves and a jacket for a few minutes until they calm down.

Pics or it didnt happen :lol::lol:
My snappy Atherton i use a hook to get him out then let him decide if he wants to come off into my hands.
Congrats on 'sucking it up'.

I think that not wearing the gloves is the better option. My girl use to be bitey but now when I get here out and she realises that it just me she settles down. I think if I was to wear gloves she would get use to them, but wouldn't get use to me. Gloves block heat and mask smell, so its not really the same as doing it bare handed.

Now all I've got to do is teacher her not to crap in her water bowl :D...

... and to attack on command.
not so sure about gloves ....
if you are going to use gloves be careful that the snakes have nothing to catch their teeth on as this may damage them... also just because you are wearing gloves doesnt mean you shold be over confident and just reach in a "GRAB" the snake as this will not form a good relationship between the two of you
anyway..... good luck
Metal lol ...your still grabbing her so she will bite you ...hook out thats right ,but dont try and get her off the hook ..let her come off when she wants to ..take the hook with you ,hold her and the hook in your hand sit down somewhere nice with her and wait it out she will come off the hook when she feels safe enough to do so ..then you can just put the hook down and enjoy her being on you ...:)
lol well i didnt REALLY grab her she was dangling off the end of the hook so i put my hand underneath her and just lifted her lol

she doesnt like that either. hahahahaha

eventually we will be friends, oh and just to let you all know she isnt an actual baby she is about 4 foot lol, but she is my baby even my jungle python jackson is my little baby boy.

but hey you gotta do what ya gotta do and i have to de bitey these snakes asap i reckon.
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