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Thanks for the pics they are really interesting. Sorry to hear about you're snake, devistating when you lose a pet =-(
sorry to hear you lost a pet but thanks for the information and the pics, very interesting. And by the looks of it in the pics it was a stunning animal...sorry again.
Well apart from mistaking her illness for RI, she was starting to have trouble consuming food. She just couldnt work the jaws over the prey. Her last meal had me holding the quail for her and helping it go down.

When i opened her enclosure yesterday afternoon to take her to the vets, the poor girl got so excited and went straight into feeding mode(bless her!). Such a shame i had other plans for her. The guilt overwhelms.

I'm not sure about the jaw bones being brittle due to old age. Her skull, spine and ribs along the neck all appeared in perfect condition. I think the tumors just ate away at the bone. I dont suspect DPS, simply because she showed no other signs of DPS. There are a few earlier symptoms of DPS before jaw bones become brittle.

This is a hard post to read, in particular the part about her playing her part so well right to the end. It must have taken a lot of courage to post this in the first place so thanks and sorry. It seems a few people mention "losing snakes" in a similar fashion in this thread, is it so common?
This is a hard post to read, in particular the part about her playing her part so well right to the end. It must have taken a lot of courage to post this in the first place so thanks and sorry. It seems a few people mention "losing snakes" in a similar fashion in this thread, is it so common?

Unfortunatley it is more common than we think. I have heard of a few people losing snakes to cancerous tumors, in particular diamonds.

Thanks for posting the pics ST, once again invalluable information that the unsuspecting herper wouldn't think to check for.
Ever noticed how it's always the favourites that go? Whereas the ones which are just 'spares' that you dont fuss over, seem to last forever.

ST you know that Wayne and I are thinking of you at the moment and that statement above is so terribly true!!!
You know how we feel and I have the feeling of absolute dread that we are going to have to make this same heartbreaking decision soon but we are still fighting the good fight and until we can see no other way around it we'll keep on doing so!

I know at this time it's hard to do what you've done by posting this thread and I commend you on your devotion and passion to these animals and the fact that even though you are going through this you have still taken 5mins of your time to help someone else in need as well as pass on your valuable knowledge and experience.... and for that we will be forever greatful and I hope that something goes your way in the future!

All the best,
Mell & Wayne
really sorry to hear that, must be devastated. :(

Sorry to hear about your loss.

I had a male Diamond who I had to put down (approx 2 years ago) with tumor in the same spot.

I know how hard it is and my thoughts are with you.
ST, I am also very sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing, it mustn't have been easy having just lost a beloved animal.
Thanks for sharing the pics, as hard as it is, it may save someones precious in the future through identification
I've just taken my 7mth Jungle to the vet with what I thought was stomatitis. The vet informed me that it looks like cancer, he is keeping the snake until monday to do some swabs and put them under the scope. I feel really ****ty.
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