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My mum inlaw is terrified of anything without fur. When i had my BHP out she near did a backflip out the nearest window. Hahaha
When i put his head under my arm and with 10mins of encoragement, she poked his butt. It was a HUGE accomplishment.....
She never visits us now.......hahahaha!
My mum inlaw is terrified of anything without fur. When i had my BHP out she near did a backflip out the nearest window. Hahaha
When i put his head under my arm and with 10mins of encoragement, she poked his butt. It was a HUGE accomplishment.....
She never visits us now.......hahahaha!

sounds like you have the perfect mother in law lol

that guy hope your mother agrees to it soon.
good luck
just tell her ul lock the cage and they are easy to take care of and tell her ul get a lil baby1 so she thinks its lil and cute thats what i did now i got 9ft snakes
exactly my problem.
my mum has a fear of snakes and had nightmares of them as a kid and now she says i can never have one in my parents house (can't wait to move out heh).
i tried explaining everything to her about how the ones i get wouldnt be deadly, she would never have to see it if she didnt want to. low level of husbandry needed. only require feeding roughly once a week etc.
but she is set on the idea of no snakes :'(
so shes not goin to visit u when u move out coz u have a snake??
well i was able to get my bird while i was at school haha science project it worked surprised me
amazingly when i went to ask mum for lizards she said yes straight away but at first they had to be outside but now they are in my room and she loves them still wont touch them but i am working on that one
Generally you just need to re-educate her on snakes. Telling her that they aren't dangerous isn't really going to cut it, you're going to have to show her that they aren't dangerous. Like a lot of other suggestions, take her to a reptile park or zoo where they to talks and you get to have a hold of one. Hopefully, she will start to soften up.

If that doesn't work then tell her that your thinking of getting a motorbike.
Meh, tell her you'll put her in a home if she doesn't change her views. Plus you wil have to take power of attorney out over her assets in order to sell them to convert her old house into a huge python palace.

i was on a holiday last week and at a wildlife park and watching a show with snakes and the person said on average 1 person dies a year from a shake bite and that on average 6 people die a year from getting hit on the head with a coconut. tell her you will plant a coconut tree in the backyard.
I agree with your mother but probably not for the same reasons.

Although a snake is the easiest of pets to look after, 18 years of age is not the best time to take on the responsibility of any pet. You now have the freedom to go where you like and do what you want and a pet is very likely to end up neglected or left for somebody else to look after. Your next few years could see you moving out of home, working away, travelling with mates, all sorts of things. Go and do young independant adult stuff and come back to it in a few years when you are more likely to give it the care it needs.
i would compromise with her... tell her you will stop nagging if she sits down and reads this thread and visit a reptile shop... if she still feels the same, then you may have to wait . It would be a shame she wont let you have, i think they are easier to look after than a gold fish .
i have my sons wrapped around my fingers as im typing but my hand is in a big pocket ... nice and toastie ,and very relaxed.
I pretty much have the same problem,
but it's my dad who doesn't want one in the house.

I think he thinks that he'll be stuck feeding it or something.
i dunno.

I find that this should persuade anyone;)

Good luck,
Simple get your mum to read this post or even try getting them to talk to each other.

Thank fully I am a dad and made the decision to get the snake which of course my daughter thought was fantastic.

Good Luck.

I have so been there.. Only I am the MUM!!... My son brought home a tiny stimson python january last year.. I was absolutely terrified.... told him to put it in his room.. if it got out..i was gunna kill it !!!

To cut a long story short... He forced me to look at the damn thing.. then to touch it..... eventhough i was having a near heart attack.. I eventually calmed down enough for her to crawl onto my hand.. meanwhile blood pressure ( mine ) is through the roof... Hyperventilating.. everything !!!

Well i just managed to compose myself... ( very close to leaving a puddle on the floor - that was me NOT the snake lol) when the gorgeous stimson baby kissed ( licked) me on the nose... Oh My Goodness.--- At that very moment I fell in love !!!!

Now 18 or so months later... I have 2 pythons of my own.. and am itching to get more.

Just be patient with your Mum.. If I can get over it........ I am damn sure anyone can..

I have this theory that a parent shouldnt let their own fears ruin the chance for their child/children to enrich his/her lives.

Good Luck
( and Mum... get over it........they dont bite........MUCH !!!!! )
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