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The photo is fake - there is too much feathering around the rodent. The transition between rodent and snake is twice that between the snake jaw and skin. Also if you look the top ear you will see greater feathering. Some of the rodent whiskers are pointing in the wrong direction. Looks as if the rodent is coming out or going in depending on the whiskers you look at. (The rodent can only move in one direction).

All I can say is someone has spent a longtime photo shopping the image.

On another note – how many snakes eat their rodents backwards? I know I have only ever seen one – it was a eastern common brown eating a mouse in a mouse trap.
Why is it to hard to believe its a real pic??
Snakes eat backwards quite often.


  • ribbit.JPG
    44.6 KB · Views: 49
Ever skeptical is me....shouldn't the prey item be wet from saliva.....just a tiny bit wet ???
coastal pic

I do not think it is photoshopped.
Here is a pic of my coastal,

Looks alright to me and they can open their mouth up while feeding so why couldnt it be real ..........and we know that they can eat their prey backwards too so mmmmmm ....nice pic i wonder what the last thought was going through that rodents head ............rbb

Snakes digestive fluids and teeth I would think.
Yeah i don't have a problem with it.
My female bhp eats her meals backward all the time,they arent the brightess animals in the world.
Ever skeptical is me....shouldn't the prey item be wet from saliva.....just a tiny bit wet ???
it wouldn't be wet if the saliva hasnt touched it yet .a snakes mouth isn't exactly dripping with saliva like a someone else said ,good photo,right place at the right time.
Photoshopped, very well done but it is definately photoshopped.
Both pics are real (photoshopped doesn't necessarily mean computer imaged - it would be two real photos so the mouse/rat would still look realistic and the whiskers etc would be clear) the givaway is that he focus on the rat's face is crystal clear while the snake is a bit blurry and out of focus. You would have similar clarity of focus for both the images if they had been taken in the same photo.
You would have similar clarity of focus for both the images if they had been taken in the same photo.

What about depth of field...?
The fact the outside of the snakes
mouth isn't focused makes it appear
more realistic to me.
Both pics are real (photoshopped doesn't necessarily mean computer imaged - it would be two real photos so the mouse/rat would still look realistic and the whiskers etc would be clear) the givaway is that he focus on the rat's face is crystal clear while the snake is a bit blurry and out of focus. You would have similar clarity of focus for both the images if they had been taken in the same photo.

is this a g-up just to keep the thread running? there's nothing about it that would suggest a photo-shopped image. the focus in relation to the depth of field is consisitent. and in relaion to the whiskers, do you know how much effort would have to go into cropping and superimposing them so finely? not really worth it for a random shot that isn't that extraordinary anyway.
The inside of the snake's mouth (especially the roof of the mouth) isn't in focus at all and that would be right next to the finely focused mouse fur.

Also, the mouse's face is perfectly central, and not distorted or wet. I understand snakes don't drool and slobber like dogs, but if the mouse has gotten that far down the snakes throat, there will have been a fair bit of contact with the snakes jaws as it was swallowed.

Cropping and superimposing a couple of whiskers wouldn't be that tricky, there are only a couple that are visible against the snake's mouth...
...photoshopped doesn't necessarily mean computer imaged..

It means exactly that. Photoshop is a computer program. Therefore something that is photoshopped means that it has been edited in Photoshop or a similar type program.

I don't think it is shopped. There is nothing to suggest it.


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It was photoshopped or something was done to it!!! If you right click on the original picture and then go to properties it tells you when the photo was taken and when it was MODIFIED;). Anything that has a modification done to it is NOT original. :?
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