Please help! Newbies with TWO jungle hatchies, thermostat help

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Ah sorry I didn't mean to be so rude! Just reread what I wrote :-( I just thought that this post had been going around in circles and misread what you last said. So sorry!

No dramas, I have been going around in circles a bit. I didn't take what you said personally, I know you were thinking of the snakes :)

With my license, do I have to inform anyone of the snakes I have, or is having the license enough and I don't need tonregister them? I'm licensed for any amount of regular snakes and 2 restricted ones.

I find it CRAZY that $70 can get you a license to keep two hot snakes, no questions asked. There should be a course to get one, just like a gun club lol.

I go back down every weekend and do all the cleaning/feeding/water changing then. They don't need much more attention while I'm away but my mum and stepdad live with me so they keep an eye on them :)

That's cool. Do you trust the thermostat to not cook the snakes while you're away? The one I got today to replace the dud works like a charm.

Where should I put the heat mat? It says not to put underneath the heat lamp, but if I don't, the cage will be pretty damn warm.

Should I run the heat mat off the thermostat? I know it says it has it's own cut off, but I want it to be sure.

Right now I have temps set at 31 and I allow it to fluctuate 1 degree in each direction, (the minimum on this thermostat). Is that OK? When the heat gets to 31.9 it shuts down, and down to 30.8 it turns back on again.
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Hi There! :)
With my license, do I have to inform anyone of the snakes I have, or is having the license enough and I don't need tonregister them? I'm licensed for any amount of regular snakes and 2 restricted ones. You do need to register the purchase - I am assuming if you didn't realise this then the guy who sold you the snakes was a bit naughty and didn't fill out a movement advice? Every time you buy or sell an animal there is a 4 page form called a movement advice that needs to be filled out... Then the buyer and seller keep a page each and you both send a page in to DERM... Then you both record the transaction in your log books.... You will recieve your logbook in the mail if you got your license online.... You should call up the guy and tell him you forgot about the paperwork and hopefully he will do it (straight away) ... If not then you may have a little problem as you will have accidentally acquired them illegally and will need to return them so it is his problem not yours

I find it CRAZY that $70 can get you a license to keep two hot snakes, no questions asked. There should be a course to get one, just like a gun club lol.

That's cool. Do you trust the thermostat to not cook the snakes while you're away? The one I got today to replace the dud works like a charm. On the rare occasion I have read horror stories on here of people's thermostats failing and their animal being cooked - That is another good reason to only have the matt under a little bit of the tub and have some good ventilation so that if the thermostat does fail (as you have already experienced with the dud) then no harm can really be done... The snake can still sit on that little bit if it wants to get warm and has the rest of the tb to escape too if things get too hot!

Where should I put the heat mat? It says not to put underneath the heat lamp, but if I don't, the cage will be pretty damn warm. Being in QLD you really don't need to use the heat matt as well as the heat lamp for a click clack (of any size) - If you were using your glass enclosure it would be fine as they loose a lot of heat..but the plastic tubs will get enough heat from just the matt and might get too hot if you use both...

Should I run the heat mat off the thermostat? I know it says it has it's own cut off, but I want it to be sure. That is a great idea - If you have it then you may as well use it! Someone correct me if I am wrong but I think the surface of a heat matt is much hotter than 32 degrees... Still isn't hot enough to burn though, just hotter than our body temp... So if you have the heat matt underneath the tub and then put a tile or a flat river stone on top of it inside the tub - and the thermostat probe sitting on that, then the rock will hold the desired temperature for a little while as the heat matt turns on and off from the thermostat...

Right now I have temps set at 31 and I allow it to fluctuate 1 degree in each direction, (the minimum on this thermostat). Is that OK? When the heat gets to 31.9 it shuts down, and down to 30.8 it turns back on again.

Yeah that is perfect for the hot end... and if the matt is only under one third of one end and there is good ventilation then the snake will be able to go to the room temperature side to cool off if it wants to

Have fun! I hope it works out with getting the paperwork :)
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Right, I should know this, I was a DERM employee doing a traineeship last year LOL. I have my license and the dealer saw it, there were forms that were there, but I left them. I rang her last night and she told me they were the movement advice forms. I can pick them up from her when I get a chance she said.
That's cool. Do you trust the thermostat to not cook the snakes while you're away? The one I got today to replace the dud works like a charm. On the rare occasion I have read horror stories on here of people's thermostats failing and their animal being cooked - That is another good reason to only have the matt under a little bit of the tub and have some good ventilation so that if the thermostat does fail (as you have already experienced with the dud) then no harm can really be done... The snake can still sit on that little bit if it wants to get warm and has the rest of the tb to escape too if things get too hot!
Yeah you learn to choose appropriate wattage heating methods too. There are people who are able to run their enclosures with no thermostats at all because they design the enclosure well and choose the right wattages. I'm not that good yet so still rely on thermos but I still have low wattage lights so if the thermos do go it won't get to dangerous levels too quickly. Like Ingie said. in your case you can control this with how much of the mat you have under the enclosure. Also using ceramic tiles with heat mats helps to spread the heat and keep is a bit more constant
I have a 75 watt red globe over the glass tank, is this too much if something goes wrong?
You're best bet would be to test and play around with it once you've got the snakes set up in their click-clacks. Leave it on all day on a day you're home and record the temperatures it gets to and also take note of how hot the day is. For hotter days obviously you'd need less artificial heat and having it on all day would make it very hot
OK, I'll be doing the test tomorrow, saximus.

Anyone know what the maximum temp a jungle can handle?
There is a Wiki page here: Morelia spilota cheynei - Aussie Pythons & Snakes

But don't stress too much about the max temp listed (32). Their range is close to my home town, Kuranda, on the tablelands up from Cairns. The daytime temps can get to upper 30's in the heat of summer with no breeze..... and humid!! Just run the thermostat to 32 deg.
Thanks Jham, I got your PM about the enclosure, also. I just don't have the cash right now.

Hey, you seem knowledgeable, is there anything I can do to get the female to eat? The pet shop at north ipswich gave me a quail, but the ones from hooper st told me not to give it to her...
From the pics they both look in good condition. They must have had a few feeds already. They are about twice the girth of my hatchy Bredli. You said you were feeding pinkie mice right? I think a pinkie rat may be a better size. I have read a few people say that Quail are good for fussy feeders, but the aftermath (poo) is nasty. You have time to wait, I don't think a quail would be a problem though. I'm sure someone will correct me if they have had a contrary experience.
Thanks for the advice :) I've got her in the click clack in my cupboard. Hopefully the pinkie is gone by morning.
Making the click clack earlier.




I put the female python in there and had a look ten minutes later to see the water level had almost gone to the bottom of the container. I took it out to find a crack in the container.... A new one went in along with new aspen, and the snake went back in :) The heat mat is at the end closest to the hide, is this OK? I put the toilet roll at the back for a hide if she wants to get away, because the hide isn't on a thermostat or anything.

Here is the terrarium



I have the click clack next to the terrarium and covered in a pillow case. It's there because it's close to a powerpoint for the heat mat. The matt is 5W and has an automatic cut off, so it shouldn't need to be on a thermostat. In saying that though, I can't monitor temps.

Here are some pics of the male tonight, I'm not handling the female until she eats.




He is really light around his neck/face, is it possible he will go white? He's only had 4 pinky rats, but is already substantially bigger (in my opinion) to the female. I want to keep them the same size so until she eats, he can wait, too.

What do you guys think of the set ups?
That water bowl is pretty huge. You might find the humidity will get very high. Otherwise nice job. You're game letting him crawl over your face haha
Are you talking about the water bowl in the terrarium or the click clack? Thanks for the comments, I hope this works :) this "hobby" is really addictive. Spent a fair bit of cash already lol.

He's alright on my face, the female has crawled all over me, too. We must be really lucky because apparently jungles are snappy. The male has NEVER even thought about snapping and the female did once or twice in the first two days. I know they're unpredictable, but they are VERY placid.

Is this temperament unusual in jungles? Whether it is or it isn't, I'm happy lol. They are very good animals :D
Yeah the one in the click-clack. Jungles are known for being jerks yeah. Lots are good though. Mine is pretty chilled out most of the time
Ok sweet. Will the humidity really get that high? The heat mat is at the other end.

Do you guys think she will eat if I leave her alone like this for a week? If she doesn't I'm going to be very frustrated -.-
See how you go with it. My water python is in one about that size with just a ramekin dish and I still have humidity issues. If she was eating before you got her she should be fine. They can go a very long time without food so no need to stress just yet
Thanks for the advice. I'm not worried about her starving, I just want her to put on size as quickly as the male is, lol.
"I find it CRAZY that $70 can get you a license to keep two hot snakes, no questions asked. There should be a course to get one, just like a gun club lol."
I think the same way to further extent..have to get licences, courses, register yadda yadda for certain animals, firearms,vehicles...yet...
any idiot can have a child!

Everyone is different, for me I research things to death before I act on them. The petshop AND the breeder have both been money hungry imo. If they cared for animals, they would want to make sure the new home knew what they are doing (not insulting you, thank god you came to a forum to ask get informed!)
I know nothing about snake varieties (Im a pet rat owner not snake owner. although do admire snakes, just love their food more >.<) but it also seems odd to encourage a new snake owner to have a renound snappy variety. It be like a first time cat owner buying a tiger lol
I will never forget MANY years ago the friend who kept snakes in rented unit, and one excaped. I had images of the new tenant having scary fright one day when it finally resurfaced haha
Sounds like you are really enjoying having the snakes. Hope all goes well :)

oh, and worth check even safeway etc for tubs. They often have on sale for around $10-15 tubs with wheels. Id imagine this could be handy for snakes also. Mine got used as toyboxes and tempry rat accommidation (for variety of reasons). Possably you could even join 2 tubs together as more space is needed if you cant get one large enough. Again, this is only suggestion, not any expert oppinion on snake care.
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"I find it CRAZY that $70 can get you a license to keep two hot snakes, no questions asked. There should be a course to get one, just like a gun club lol."
I think the same way to further extent..have to get licences, courses, register yadda yadda for certain animals, firearms,vehicles...yet...
any idiot can have a child!

Everyone is different, for me I research things to death before I act on them. The petshop AND the breeder have both been money hungry imo. If they cared for animals, they would want to make sure the new home knew what they are doing (not insulting you, thank god you came to a forum to ask get informed!)
I know nothing about snake varieties (Im a pet rat owner not snake owner. although do admire snakes, just love their food more >.<) but it also seems odd to encourage a new snake owner to have a renound snappy variety. It be like a first time cat owner buying a tiger lol
I will never forget MANY years ago the friend who kept snakes in rented unit, and one excaped. I had images of the new tenant having scary fright one day when it finally resurfaced haha
Sounds like you are really enjoying having the snakes. Hope all goes well :)

oh, and worth check even safeway etc for tubs. They often have on sale for around $10-15 tubs with wheels. Id imagine this could be handy for snakes also. Mine got used as toyboxes and tempry rat accommidation (for variety of reasons). Possably you could even join 2 tubs together as more space is needed if you cant get one large enough. Again, this is only suggestion, not any expert oppinion on snake care.

Yeah, I think centerlink should only offer credit cards to new mothers instead of the 10 grand baby bonus.. The credit card would only be redeemable at certain stores applicable to babies needs such as woolworths and other baby shops that I don't know about lol.

Lots of chick my age and younger go out and get themselves knocked up for the cash, but don't realise even if it WAS spent on the baby, 10 grand won't last very long, then you have a mouth to feed for 18 years.

In regards to the breed of snake, she had quite a few there at we had an option of a large stimmy, I think it was over a yearling stage, quite thick. We wanted smaller ones though, and the jungles caught our eye. We handled them and they were VERY placid. She told us that all snakes can snap, we just have to gain their trust. They are really great snakes, though. I guess we got lucky because they are verry non-agressive.

I hope this works :D
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