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Not so new Member
Jan 14, 2008
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My central Beardie is frowing up and last nite before it started frowing up its back legs were shaking now and then and he was really bloted .

please if any one knows whats wrong please reply thank u
what is frowing up? Is it the same as throwing up? I know Jamie Oliver replaces his th with f's...
AS for your beardie......VET. Get it to a vet!
Shaking can be a symptom of calcium deficiency. Might wanna check your calcium source and check his UV to make sure he is getting adequate UV to help absorb calcium. Might be an idea to see a vet who may put him on a calcium supplement to help, or tell if it is something else.
Also sounds like it could be impaction(constipated), that can cause the back legs to shake. Most of my beardies have vomited at some point from over feeding or drinking too much water but vomiting combined with the shaking doesn't sound good, I think a vet would be the best option. What temps have you got at the hot end?
ok now his back legs are like as if he is trying to lock them in to place
and the vet said......? rear leg problems are often associated with poor calcium levels, calcium injection from your vet would be a starting point...
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