Please urgerntly help, EMERGENCY

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Please, god, please help... my young bearded dragon, Rem, has just suffered what I can only describe as a violent attack/seizure.

I came back into my roomm from the bathroom only a few minutes ago and notice Rem pinned to the floor acting like he was trying to get comfortable and ready to sleep (nuzzling into the floor), when I reached in and picked him up... god... I don't even know.

After I held him for a few moments he turned a very bright and vivid golden yellow and then I noticed his beard and tail were charcoal black. I held him in my hands and went to sit down when he started to violently convulse and shake.

As I started to sit he lept from my hands and landed on the floor... as he did his limbs and head stood fully erect and I thought he'd severed his spine... his limbs were stiking out rigidly to the side.

I picked him up and he shook more and more... I restrained him with my hands and he still shook, his mouth was gaping and he's not blinking. A few times he stopped and I could swear he'd passed in my hands...

God, what's happening? He's limp, his tail and head are flecked with black and his limbs are extremly floppy. His eyes had sunken fully back into his head at one point and his tail is now black and limp.

Whenever I pick him up he shudders and he's not blinking.

Someone please HELP! I don't need any nonsense or flames, don't yell at me to go to the vet because I'm not sure how possible that is! I only need help, nothing else!
Not a problem with lack of calcium I'd assume, he's neer shown twitching or tremors and is housed with correct UVB and offered supplements... god... his front limbs are limp. I'm ready to rush him to the vet, what should I do?
Oh im sorry :( Not sure theres anything you can do for him..ive never had this problem with any of mine, but ive heard of it happening and it doesnt end well...
Good luck with him
Oh im sorry :( Not sure theres anything you can do for him..ive never had this problem with any of mine, but ive heard of it happening and it doesnt end well...
Good luck with him

I'm worried and preparing for the worst... I can't believe it... he's so important to me...
generally related to lack of calcium, generally nothing can be done, i'm sure some members here that have successfully overcame this can help, i've never had one survive once it got to this stage. Sorry :(
Keep him warm but not hot. Maybe find somewhere in the middle of the tank that has a nice gradient. I'd probably darken things down a bit, a sick lizard in the wild will look for somewhere to hide and those instincts will be kicking in for him. Maybe if he recovers somewhat gently drip a bit of water down his nose to see if he will lick it off. I wouldn't try and get fluids into him unless your confident he can swallow properly though. Keep us posted.
If hes that important to you, (not flaming) call a 24hour (or open on sunday) vet that specials in reptiles.

If not then you are right to prepare for the worse
Assuming his UV requirements are met, what substrate is he kept on?
sounds very much like your pet bearded dragon has just had a stroke i am so sorry to say there r only 2 out comes and the later is the most probable
He's kept on astro turf, has been fed small sized chunks of greens, crickets, little vegetables (carrots), some fruit and he's recently defacated. Not impaction, I couldn't believe it would be lack of calcium... I have no idea... he's currently on my chest wrapped in his blanket and he's looking horrible. Pancaking to the maximum, eyes staring blankly, mouth occasionally gaping...

I don't know what to do... my bank's closed... I don't have a card... I don't have any money on me at this time for a vet...
If hes still alive, take him to the vet now.. they can give him a calcium injection, if he is lacking it. Might save him
Poor bub..
Still alive, no money on me right now for the vet... I'mgoing to place him back in his enclosure and warm him up, then bath him in warm water...
Surely a vet wouldn't knock you back if you walk in with a sick animal. Give it a go, the alternative is worse.
One cause of what you have discribe is lack of calcuim. If you contact a vet and explain you situation they maybe willing to see him under an emergency situation. I am no expert but with dealing with lizards as a career it sounds like either a stroke you need to keep him warm and in a quiet area I am sorry to hear that he is unwell keep us informed of what happens with the little guy
He can't seem to walk... he just stumbled forward a few paces... his breathing is heavy and laboured... I'm calling my boyfriend to ask if he can give me a lift to the vet after we call them...
I'd get him to the Vet too ( Reptile Vet ). Being that sick he'll need ovenight care so you won't have to pay for it untill he's well again. However doesn't sound too good.

Fingers crossed for you...
My boyfriend's mum is on her way... I can't believe this. I'd lost another blue tongue in this enclosure, but I'd cleaned everything several times with bleach and replaces most everything, anyone that's been following me would remember that. could that be it? God... I just want him to be okay...
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