Thanks everyone - well, great updates!
He seems to growing more alert each day and I'm sure this will keep improving! His enclosure is incredibly bare at the moment with his 'favourite' towel (yes, he does have a favourite towel... it has our scent on it and that's something familiar to him, he's had it since he arrived) underneath his basking spot, his terracotta pipe (which he's know spending his days on) and his little 'bachelor pad' (a platform with fake grass and a slate tile). But the point is, everything else has been removed until I can slowly add it piece by disinfected piece to judge any reactions...
This has been a stressful time and one of the biggest scares was yesterday... after he'd shown me he can infact see by chasing a darkling beetle I placed him on the window sil behind me and watched him carefully in the laptop reflection. He loves sitting and staring out the window for hours on a sunny day and will always perch atop a little wooden box and watch the world go by... but after a while, I noticed him shaking. I really didn't want to turn around and see but of course... so I grabbed him up and brought him to my chest where he continued to tremble. I was just about to break down crying when I felt something on my arm... an ant. He was trying to rid himself of a few ants that he crawled over him! God, that was the biggest relief! Dusted them off and sure enough he looked up at me as if to say, "right... can I go bask again now?". But he'd had enough 'fun' and went back home!
It was great to see him put himself to bed last night, crawling into his terracotta pipe and 'burrowing' madly... so I wrapped him up and he was out like a light. He was also quick and eager to wake this morning, coming out within 15 minutes of the lights being turned on, shame I returned to school today - no excuses!
But, just got home and presented him a bunch of dandelion flowers and leaves that I'd gathered from the forest (no, they're NOT poisoned!) and he was quick to eat those and then his crickets. I was also glad to see a nice big pile of dragon poo which was waste and urates, normal colour and... (yes, I checked... lots of gloves...) all perfectly normal.
Tomorrow Rem does go back for another visit to the vet, he'll be 'conscious' so to speak but I'm sure he'll go fine. The better half will be with us and we're all eager to get him checked out and another shot... although I'm not sure Rem will enjoy it. I'm keeping him hydrated and he really enjoyed his bath last night in 'knee'-deep water and seemed to relish it when I gently stroked him with a wet cotton-ball (especially on his head where he's shedding... that's the tricky spot!).
More updates to come and I'll keep you all posted when we return from the vet. Thanks again!