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Not so new Member
Apr 15, 2009
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I have an outdoor pond with 4 Eastern snake neck turtles. In summer algae grows really fast and it is annoying cleaning it all the time. The algae killing chemicals are useless.
I have been to the aquarium several times but all the fish there that would eat the algae would make a good meal for the turtles.
My question is there a type of fish that isn't tropical and won't get eaten by the turtles that will eat the algae?

Also I put goldfish in the turtle pond 3 years ago but the goldfish didn't last 10 minutes without me having to rescue them.
Is the water in the pond moving or still? Doing something as simple as aerating the water with a small fountain or pump will cause the algae to decrease. Dont know anything about fish, what about redclaw? Im not sure if they eat algae though.
It has a waterfall which keeps the pond flowing 24 hours a day.
My turtles need to spend some time with yours they have decided fish are friends not food...I think mine are vegetarians love their valenseria (spelling?) fingers crossed you get some answers! (if not I can always send my 3 over for a sleep over they'll eat it in no time lol)
i had the same issue with one of my ponds , i ended up buying a uv sterilizer and it fixed the issue up in a couple of days .
yabbies eat alge but not as much as other fish do. what chemicls have you tryed? i ended up trying 8 tpyes bfor i found one that worked.
mayb reduce the amount of sunlight aswell and take out the nutrians wich help alge grow. at ur aquarium they should have something called phosphrouse matting/padding this absorbs the phosphrouse and also get tank charcole and place a good size bag in the pond and this should absore other chemicals and nutriands. that other thing i can think of would be to put some plants in there and these will use the nutrians b4 the alge gets to (hopefuly)
def look at getting uv sterilzer champ, yabbies do eat alge but turtles love to chase and eat yabbies def reduce amount of sunlight on the water, you could do this by adding the pond conver plant thats little leaves cant think wat its called you through best pic i can find is this one http://i.ehow.com/images/a06/9o/hr/fish-pond-plant-care-200X200.jpg most pet shop have it u only need a small amount and it will very quickly cover the top of the pond
get uv sterilzer run your pump through it seen them at bunnings for about 120 ,200cheaper than the pet shop i bought it from,only problem with yabbies and crays they tend to eat your turtles when they slow down or hibornate
Thanks for the help everyone. I will have to give a UV sterilzer a go. Just googled UV Sterilzer and it looks like the perfect way to solve my problem.

My turtles need to spend some time with yours they have decided fish are friends not food...I think mine are vegetarians love their valenseria (spelling?) fingers crossed you get some answers! (if not I can always send my 3 over for a sleep over they'll eat it in no time lol)
Hahaha, I wish my turtles were like that.
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