Hello everyone!
I have a very sweet, gentle and skittish Haitian Boa (epicrates striatus) which i've had for 21 years. I assume that she was a wild-caught young adult when i, ignorant of these things, bought her in a pet shop in 1987. She didn't eat for nearly a year, but finally started to accept live mice.
Her name is Monty, for irrelevant reasons related to an ex-girlfriend. She doesn't get nearly as much attention or care as she deserves, and i know that....... two decades and now having a toddler around...
All of that said, i'm worried that she may have stomatits, or possibly an upper resiratory tract infection. In the past, when temp regulation was poor, she'd get wheezy for a bit, but it has always cleared up. She's not wheezy now, but she's definitely off. She hasn't eaten since August, and while a finicky eater, this is unusual. Just last night she refused again.
She has one nostril which is clearly infected, or something. It is larger, and appears to have a plaque or something. A clear liquid builds up on it, and last night handling her, a small spot of blood appeared. Other than this, and refusal of food, she acts quite normal.
I took a few pictures, posted below, which may help.... but i didn't want to traumatize her (skittish) just to snap some pics. There are images of both sides of her head, for comparison.
THANK YOU in advance, for any help!
I have a very sweet, gentle and skittish Haitian Boa (epicrates striatus) which i've had for 21 years. I assume that she was a wild-caught young adult when i, ignorant of these things, bought her in a pet shop in 1987. She didn't eat for nearly a year, but finally started to accept live mice.
Her name is Monty, for irrelevant reasons related to an ex-girlfriend. She doesn't get nearly as much attention or care as she deserves, and i know that....... two decades and now having a toddler around...
All of that said, i'm worried that she may have stomatits, or possibly an upper resiratory tract infection. In the past, when temp regulation was poor, she'd get wheezy for a bit, but it has always cleared up. She's not wheezy now, but she's definitely off. She hasn't eaten since August, and while a finicky eater, this is unusual. Just last night she refused again.
She has one nostril which is clearly infected, or something. It is larger, and appears to have a plaque or something. A clear liquid builds up on it, and last night handling her, a small spot of blood appeared. Other than this, and refusal of food, she acts quite normal.
I took a few pictures, posted below, which may help.... but i didn't want to traumatize her (skittish) just to snap some pics. There are images of both sides of her head, for comparison.
THANK YOU in advance, for any help!





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