Puffy jaw???

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Very Well-Known Member
May 25, 2008
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Hunter Valley, NSW
I noticed the other night my Bredli had a puffy jaw a bit like a frog and was a bit worried but the following morning it was gone it hasnt happened since.
I was just wondering does anyone know what this was or why it happened? or has it happened to anyone elses python? Is there any cause for concern? Or is this a normal thing? Sorry no pics as I didnt want to disterb him.
Not really sure but is it possible it striked at the glass or something and it got a bit swollen??
Hope it doesnt return! best of luck!
Wow , a mate rang me the other night had the same thing with his Stimmo and it was back to normal the next day also !
Could be a number of things. Check his temps, it can be caused by respiritory infection. It can also be caused by infection of a cut within the mouth, sists in the jaw etc etc.

Your best bet would be taking it to a vet to have it checked. Jungletrans has a snake that had an egg sized growth removed not too long ago. better to be safe then sorry.
Hey disaster the temps are fine but i did notice while feeding him some fur was stuck on his teeth at the end of the meal and once he reappered from digesting the meal thats when I noticed the puffy jaw, not sure if that would have been the cause but since then he has had another feed and had no probs, I inspected the inside of mouth and it looked very healthy, Id love to take him to the vet to make sure but Ive just lost my job and dont have a cent to my name so all I can do is keep an eye on him and if it happens again Ill have to se if someone will lend me the cash.
Thanks for the help!!
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