Pygmy Bearded Dragons still sleeping..what to do?

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Not so new Member
Oct 17, 2009
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NSW Central Coast
My two pygmy beardies are still sleeping. Is that ok?
Should i do anything to encourage them to wake? lights, heat?
How long after they wake should I offer food?
I'm in sa and mine are still sleeping. Don't force them to wake up by handling, you will stree them out. Raise the temp if you feel the need to. Personally I'm happier to let them do it themselves, I'm not keen on messing with mother nature, she's been doing this stuff for a long time.
Thanks Jax, I know not to handle them.......One has moved around the enclosure a couple of times during winter, the other has stayed put.

I have put their uv light on a timer 7amto7pm (i turned that off after they went to sleep, seemed useless being on) and their heat lamp back on thermostat. I know there are different theories about what makes them sleep/wake up......this is our first winter :)

When yours wake, how soon do you feed them?
:), first winters are scarey... one owner was waking the pygmies up and giving them water via a eyedropper every few days, needless to say they died from stress,

I tried all sorts of things to stop them falling asleep the first year cos they were only 6mths old, but the male went down for 4 mths and the female for a month, very late in the winter, i dont know what it is that trips the 'sleeping' mechanism on or off, but have to trust they know what they are doing, cos i threw out the handbook, they never read it and did what they wanted to do.......

as soon as you see them awake and alert then offer small amounts of feed, this is when baby roaches/crickets work well, the movement seems to get them going, you should have always had fresh water in there,even when they are sleeping, as they will often come out and drink and then go back to bed, when they finish brumating mine seemed to enjoy a nice long bath......

I'm in Newcastle and mine have been the same. The male has buried himself in the sand nesting box, and the female is out, but all she does is lie around and barely move.. It's scared me quite a bit. They're around 19months old, so I guess this is their first brumation.. I've been tempted to take them to the vet though (specifically the female).

My female is quite large and I'm worried she's egg bound. I've tried making all sorts of nesting boxes for her, seperating her from the male, etc but she hasn't even taken much of an interest in digging. I'm hoping she's just naturally large (she weighs 114grams, male is 64 grams) and brumating at the moment.
Hey..I have two pygmys also,for the last 3 weeks they have been sleeping alot or just hiding all day and not realli coming out at all to bask or ear,there only 7 months old so I thought brumation wasn't possible or maybe something was wrong but now after reading these posts I'm thinking maybe it there anything. I should be doing or should I just leave them alone to come out n eat in their own time?
i have heard that some dragons have only just started to gravid i have been looking for a pair of dragons was reading that boyd's breeding season is 0ct to feb
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Can someone please tell me why my 7 month old pygmy hasnt eaten for over a month. i am very worried that he will die of starvation all he wants to do is sleep all day and stay in his hide. How long can pygmys go without food am concerned about him and would like some conformation if he is in brumation please can someone help
@ slime, i have answered your question on the other thread that you posted the identical question.

and i'm stressing less, i looks as if my female is just starting to stir, i was starting to forget what they looked like,.. time to start warming up the roach colony
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