Pygmy Beardie Advice

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Hey all i need some advice just about size and how to determine sex for pygmy beardies, i want to know if 13cm (head to end of tail) is about normal for a three and a half month old pygmy beardie??

Also i was wondering at what age can you usually tell sex? and if i could get them vented by a vet?

Any help would be great

Thanks in advance

hey mate if u look underneath the the tail just behind the poop hole u will see 2 lumps indicating a male and 1 lump in the in the center and that will be a female

and no offence but your beardy does seem a little small mine is only about 5 months and is 230mm head to tail
Yeah not sure about his size it does seem a little small, how many crickets do you feed him per day???????
You can put a size to age ratio with reptiles, they grow according to how much they eat, which is gauged by how well they are heated, how much food they are offered, and how stressed they are.
Yeah so exactly how many crickets per day can be fed he only eats five or so per day is that enough or should i put more in???
Definately more, he should be eating at least that amount 2 to 3 times daily. Also try to offer him a bit of variety like woodies one feed & crix the next;)
ok so just getting this all strait my pygmy beardie should eat two times daily with about 7 crickets in each serving? Just want to make sure ive got that all sorted so i could feed him once in the morning and once when i get home from school...
You can put a size to age ratio with reptiles,
thats meant to say [can't] - my brain moves much faster than my fingers :(.... at this time of year they might not even eat every day, it totally depends on heating and stress.. it is possible to slow raise darogons to full size within 3 years, in fact, I tend to think this has some benefits over rapidly growing them in 10 months.
I never bother to count how many they are eating, the best option is to always have a small amount of them on offer all day, and remove them at night, the dragons will eat them if they wish and as long as the dragons are carrying good weight, their fine.
I feed him in another container but he does seem to be a little piggy so maybe ill try some more though he has an alright belly if you know what i mean!
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