Pygmy beardies?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hello all,

I would like a Spotted Python, but I'd like Bearded Dragon much more.
Unfortunately, my 3ft by 2ft by 2ft enclosure isn't really big enough. [ do you agree? ]
I am considering the idea of getting some pygmy beardies, and then maybe later, a Mac.
How to care for them is the question. What do they eat, what heat do they like, do they like it if you keep them together, if not whats a good size enclosure for an individual, could you one in my enclosure, how much do they usually cost for a hatchy? Any other information would be highly appreciated.


The laws in vic are slowly going through a change, soon we will be allowed a lot more reptiles, mostly geckos from what I understand, RSP's, file snakes and I dare say pygmy beardies will also be on that list. I hope wellsi will also be allowed because I wouldn't mind getting a pair of them hot black headed and thick banded sorts.
You tank is big enough for 2 adult central beardies (especially if you will have them out quite a lot).....pygmys are to small especially as hatchies, centrals are a lot easier to handle and care for as well.
my pygmies will be $100. you can house 3 in your enclosure, they get to about 30cm s/vlenght. they eat crix, woodies and vegies the same as centrals. only difference is the size, and they have cuter heads. any further me
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