Pymgy Beardie Not eating

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Also, make sure you don't get tempted to feed in the enclosure with the newspaper substrate, the crickets will hide straight away under the paper and can then come out to munch of a night on your beardie. It won't take much to get a bunch of crickets hiding.
i dont feed him in his enclosure but he didnt eat so i am starting to get worried, do you think im over reacting and should let him have his time?
He is stressed. Constantly taking me out of his enclosure is simply making it worse.

Did you take him out to "watch tv" with you? That will also cause stress. Stop handling your dragon until he is eating! Simply putting a dish with straight sides and pulling the back legs off the crickets (squeeze the thighs and pull) will prevent them from jumping out. That way you don't have to touch the dragon and he can eat in complete peace.
ok so i will stop handling him, though i dont think i will feed him in the enclosure as i have had alot of advice to not do that, but he doesnt seem to be too stressed and even likes being handled, but i will wait untill he has settled in
There's a difference between putting a dish of crickets in the enclosure with their legs pulled off (and thus, unable to get out of the container), and throwing a bunch in.

Putting them in a container means they can't escape and are left their for the dragon to pick them off as he wants. Putting them in the enclosure (no container) means they can go where they want, evade the dragon, and then munch on him while he's sleeping.
I understand your point but wouldnt it be the same thing if i didnt feed him in the enclosure? also how many crickets a day? from what ive heard 5 to 7 is enough?
No, it's very different. Feeding him outside his enclosure means you need to take him out. Feeding him in the enclosure does not.

My dragon was different to yours. He's a central bearded, and I tong fed him. I kept giving him crickets until he didn't want anymore.
ok so you think i should buy a small plastic dish? to put in his enclosure at food time? how high should it be he is only 12 cm long with his tail so he is only a tiny little fella compared to yours
Not plastic. It's likely that he'll be able to tip it over. Something small, made of ceramic or glass (or another heavy material). It doesn't need to be tall. The crickets won't be able to jump when you pull of their back legs. As long as they can't climb it, then it won't matter.
also notechistiger what do you use as the food dish and wear can i buy one??
I don't use a food dish. As I said, I tong feed my dragon. However, on the one or two occasions that I've been away for a couple of days, I used a small square ceramic dish that I picked up from a garage sale :D You could probably find them at the local supermarket. Barring that, try discount stores and the like.
i find taking my 1 month old pygmy out to try feed him just stress's him makes him wnna go back home. he is small but still eats between 5-9 small crickets a day... i just have to watch him try make sure he isnt eating sand at the same time :S:S. try get some small crickets even pinheads the ones ur feeding might be too big for him.. or woodies or if u want too try not really recommended mealworms..
Well he has started eating he ate 5 yesterday and thats been pretty consitent for a bout 3 to 4 days also he is eating some veggies so he is doing great!!!
Thanks everyone for all the replies!
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