python not feeding

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Jun 14, 2010
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I have a blonde spotted mac, she is 8 months old and I have had her since she was 3 months old. She has been a solid good feeder over the whole time. Now she has not eaten since the 13th of August. When she was feeding every 4 to six days. I changed her tank flooring stuff over and put a new product in and since then she has not fed. Would it have anything to do with this? Also she is shedding, but she usually eats when she is shedding...she does have a lot of trouble with that too... also I just moved her into a bigger tank because she is now about 45cm long and the click clack was getting too small. I had thought she didn't eat because of this...but after letting her settle into her new enclosure for a few days I tried to feed her again today and she has not eaten....What to do?
Don't stress too much.
She may be simply reacting to the change in her environment.
And most pythons wont want to eat whilst shedding, if she always has, I would think that unusual.
Double check your temperatures, make sure there are plenty of places for her to hide, leave her alone for a good few days, then try again. If she still doesn't eat then, leave her again for a few days and try again. If her temps are correct, she will eat when she is hungry.
If she has trouble shedding, maybe put her water bowl nearer to the heat source while she is shedding to get some more humidity going.

stop trying to feed her while she is shedding.

stop trying to feed her for a week or so after anyway. it stresses them out having mice dangled in front of them constantly.

mist the tank every now and again to help her shed. have a rock or something in there to rub against.

make sure your temperatures are right. make sure she has plenty of places to hide.

leave her alone. dont play with her. dont touch her. dont pick up her hide to check on her. just leave her alone to settle.

she will eat when she wants to. in the lead up to the shed and after a shed, she wont usually eat for a while. (even if she has before)

they can go for weeks/months without eating if necessary, so dont stress over two weeks.
Burger pretty much said it all...
let her relax and dont stress her out ..let her get use to the new environment :D
keep us posted :)
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