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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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Berridale NSW
how does quarantine work?
i have some ideas, but am unsure wheather they are correct.

when something is quarantined do you like check it for disease and bacteria and treat it, or do you treat the animal for everything and hope that it goes? Or is there another way that it happens, please post your thoughts.

Yeah, just keep as far away as possible from your collection and always tend to that animal last, or on a seperate day to stop any cross contam. 6 to 12 months.
Quarantining is about keeping a new animal well away from your established collection until such time as you are happy it has no nasties to pass on to your other animals. And then to prevent cross-contamination you should always tend to your established collection first and then the new ones last - washing hands and perhaps changing clothing between collections. You don't need a separate building to quarantine but if you have it available that would be ideal conditions. But, most ppl don't have this luxury so using a low traffic area in separate room in the house is best recommended quarantine area.

OPMV can lay dormant for up to 12 months which is one of the the most feared diseases to get loose into a collection. So that is why ppl say to quarantine for 12 months so you can observe behaviours and protect your main collection.

Mites can spread very fast and are little pr.....s to deal with. I would rather know who the culprit is first up and treat them rather than find out after it has spread and have to treat all my animals.

Wild caught animals should be wormed, and repeat the treatment in 2 weeks.
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