Good photos Simon & hopefully more to come.
Can I tell you why i do this stuff?? I am going to anyway.
After the last couple of weeks, we have had with our daughters wedding, a trip to north Qld & then the Gladstone reptile expo thrown in on top of all that. Yah glad to be back home in our comforts & all.
But hey we had a family from Clermont, with thier young boy 13 yrs age, just got his licence visit us this morning.
The very day after the expo that we have just talked our guts out about & went through it all again with them.
You know what, I enjoyed it. A couple of reasons _ one because they could see my older bigger snakes even though he had just been fed, to a lot of peoples amazement i got him out & he presented himself very nicely within 1 half hour of feeding.
So this showed the young fellow my reasoning & also my defence if he was to want more food. So entertaining all around.
The young fellow was very interested in all of our snakes & at the same time carrying with him the little carpet python that he was buying for a measly $100. He had bought a click clack container with him the exact same size as mrs Davo had told him & it was so easy to pass over the snake with one of our containers that had the apropriate ventilatation/perches rather than do whilst he was there.
So a new proud owner of a Carpet python that might bring new dimensions to the world.
That is why we do the expos & breed reptiles so as others can learn the secrets that we all hold.