My female Bredli is around 4y.o. and just over two meters. She is still growing quite quickly. My pair are just big pussycats and placid as. If you are in Melbourne you are welcome to come take a look if you wish.
But they are beEAUTiful snakies none the less!! Just make sure that you have someone else nearby if your grabbing them out at that size!! :shock:
I have a lil childreni who I got a few months ago as a hatchy. I handled him daily and he was a complete kitten. Then, I sunned him for a lil bit, took him back inside and he BIT me!! Mind you, I felt something, went 'what was that?' and looked down to see him hanging off my forearm!! It was vaguely amusing considering how scared I was - and still am!!
BUT, I agree with everone else, sooner or later, a bit will come, but as long as You take measures to avoid that situation, hopefully you can keep it down to a minimum
Good luck
My confidence is growing everyday!!!
I even did a Reptile Show on Sunday and held the body of a 5 foot Carpet Python..Phew that was a huge step for me- Luckily it's owner had the head
The huge Shingleback we had took a nice chunk out of him and he didn't even swear in front of the kiddies!!!
That would have been like getting your hand shut in a car door....
Hats off to him...
URS said that they can fly to my nearest Airport...
ooooohhh....I'm getting excited about it...
Well sort of :?
I will let you know how I go...
Thanks again for your input..