Quick Egg Questions

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Hey Vixen,

I would definitely separate the bad egg from the good ones. It can be a little intimidating task if you haven't done it before, but it will be OK. Just very gently peel the eggs apart one at a time. Gently roll one one way, then another and they will come appart. Morelia eggs are quite tough, so there is not much chance of tearing one if you are careful. It's worth doing it rather than risking loosing all the eggs around it in the clump. JMO.

Good luck!
Thanks Zac, I might have to give it a go if it gets any worse which im hoping its not.

Incase anyone is basing their advice thinking this is a dead egg, its not, I candled it yesterday and its alive and kicking. :)
Dust some fungicidal tinea powder over the egg once you have wiped of the mould, 9 times out of 10 it will stop the mould growing back. Make sure it is only fungicidal and not bacterial as well as some types are.
If you seperate them do not roll any eggs, if you turn them on too much of an angle you will drown the neonate.
Just gentley pry them apart if you have remove it.
If you split an egg while seperating, just put a peice of masking tape over the split and it will still hatch.
Tried out the tinea powder and seems to have done the job for now, only problem is the mold has now decided to spread to the next two eggs, so I just powered them aswell.

I'll keep wiping them every day if need be, but they should only have about a week to go before hatching, they've been starting to dimple for about the last 1 - 2 weeks now and are due early Feb. :D
Hope all goes well.. its a worrying time.....I have bredli eggs due to hatch same time
Vixenbabe.... I know of the White Mould that your talking about... My eggs got the same thing.....

Someone recommended to me to leave the tub open for a day or two to reduce the humity, as there could be a bit to much moisture... Just An Idea!!!! ( It did work with Mine, the mould dissappeared )...

Regarding the eggs dimpling... MIne did about day 40 - 45..... And they hatched on day 65 :)

Out of 16 eggs layed.... One was a definate Slug... And two went yellow/green in the first couple of weeks.....
The other 13 hatched, all well and active... Only not all feeding just yet.....

Good Luck :)
the mould in the photo seems to be the clear or slightly white stuff.
The black mould is the one I'm affraid off
I reckon you will find that the egg will be ok, keep an eye on it.
Only remove the egg if you see it change colour and go slimey and green - staight away !!!
If it was the black mouldy stuff, well that would be a different story.
I agree with the thermo cord etc touching the egg - nothing should be placed on top of a egg as condensation WILL build up and slowly but surely find its way onto the egg surface - not good.
Good luck,
Cheers guys, yeh nothings gone green or yucky yet, the mold is really light and fluffy so ill just keep an eye on it. :D
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