Well-Known Member
Aren't crowned snakes venomous?
Big list, I'd get a monitor.
I reckon shingle-backs are a couple 100's
Big list, I'd get a monitor.
I reckon shingle-backs are a couple 100's
Sorry, what does atm mean?
Sorry, what does atm mean?
Sorry, what does atm mean?
Gonna freight a couple hatchies from someone is Qld.Where are you getting the gillens from GeckPhotographer?
Pygmy mulga monitors. They are probably a little less handle-able than ackies but they are less agressive toward their own species than ackies.what is a V.gillen's common name ?
I have a pet rock I would definitely advise one to anyone who wants low maintenance pet with few medical issues.I'd get you a pet rock!
If I had a choice between Gillens and Ackies, I'd go Gillens everytime! Some Ackies can be very aggressive towards cagemates, and even kill them (very stressing, I found). Note, I said "some" (for all those Ackie lovers out there)! Gillens don't like handling (no monitor does, really), but can be kept in relatively small enclosures, in groups and interact all the time, so great entertainment. Easy to breed and care for, you just need a high basking temp (50-70c) and plenty of insects.
Good luck with your choice.
how are they to handle ??? how big do they get ?and why are they called black headed monitors just googles them and they dont even have black heads lol
thanx mate, ive actually just finished building two enclosures took my kids to the aquatic center , fully cleaned out 10 enclosures and my 15mX20m shed. Made a BBQ lunch and weeded 1/3 of half an acre,god forbid I should relax for an hour or so , hay.
Yes i agree they are lovely , are they okay to handle but ?