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there ya go mate AWSEOME shot that first one the detail is great! see simple as!

As to the zoom, well I dont usually zoom at all when taking photos of my snakes and beardies I just hit the 'Macro' button (the the little flower appears) and get as close to the reptile as possible takes a much more detailed pic like the first one you shot.

Keep up the good work we want MORE MORE MORE!
Yup these Fuji cams are great :) the only thing I can't do with mine is understand the instruction manual! Don't worry though as soon as I find the section in the manual that tells you how to turn it on I will post some pics :)
They do have a help line you can call but i found them no help and i only read enough of the instructions to work out how to turn it on and use macro hehehe the manual is jsut way too much nfo to retain for me....might get some more pics in a while for some more practice :wink:
come on BROWNS more pics mate what are ya waitin for!! lol

do you only keep carpets jungles and bhps or is there more to the collection you havent showed us yet!
Nup,could barely understand how to turn it on and take a regular pic....just too complicated but i'll keep experimenting,it's half the fun :)
Yeah one of the bigger ones i've seen,has nice markings too...probably a Gosford form :)
Not so sure mate, might be an integrade you know! If you're not sure what that is just ask me, err, no, not me, err just ask someone else :)
hey browns another cool feature you can use if you dont already know, is on the top of the camera between the on/off/picture button and the features button there are two small buttons with pictures in them.

The one on the left if you hold it down will bring up a few things on screen, using the arrow on the menu button go across 1 or 2 i think it is and let go of the small button again. now when you take photos you just hold the normal shot taking button down and it takes 3 at a time or you can change it so it takes up to 40! good for action shots or if your snake keeps moving around.
Yeah i had a play around with that feature with someone else reading the instructions...will have to give that a go as that'd be the best way to get good action shots...i'll be trying this a bit later,rats must be thawed by now....if i ever forget i'll just keep a link to this thread and another i got some hintd from
so BROWNS what do you do your always on here soo late! do you use your comp at work or something during the day aswell>?
I have an excuse i am a uni student, what else have i got to do!
Mate i'm kinda laid up at home at the moment and got not much better to do when your laid up all i'm just a crazy herper and could talk herps till the cows come home with the right people.I'll be right in a week or so but till then it's on a bed in the lounge with the xbox,austar,internet and some really cool old computer games about 500 of them,the real thing from back when i was a kid like frogger,galaga,pacman etc probabaly before your time as well as keeping the snakes fed and clean i manage to entertain myself :wink: oh and don't ask why i'm laid up it's a long story hehe I'm also a bit of an insomniac and this site provides some good entertainment at times and we all share something in common!!!You uni students have the life don't you :wink:
poor bugga well get well soon, good old packman is the only one i remember i think i might have heard of frogga but anyways.. Yeah uni is good but not when assignments are due.. and especially as i have only recently found this site i have done jack on my work.. hence why i am up now (although i am quite an insomniac too) doing my law assignment... due tomoz.. :oops:
Yeah im becoming quite the herper now too.. the misses calls us steve and terri (to my disgust) as the only time we see each other were either looking at feeding cleaning or photograhing my new pets!
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