Rat breeding

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CO2 if done right, has anaesthetic effect first, then they die. If pumped into container/bag too quick more "gasping" will occur.
Cervical dislocation is good and quick (as is a sharp clean knock) If done correctly (may take practise) and causes instant death.
Freezing would be classified as cruelty as the method is not quick and painless?

Dont buy sneezing rats. I kill mine with a quick blunt force. Less cost and I feel like I am taking full responsibility too.
Feeding frozen food is better for the snakes as it will kill mites and worms.
This might be partially true, but many parasites will only hibernate if frozen. Often the only way to get rid of them for sure is very high tempratures, or wormcures ;) I wouldnt worry about freezing them, if you deworm them every now and then, and keep them cleen and tidy it should be ok!
Would Carbon Monoxide work? It would be a faling to sleep affect, and it would be cheap, as it comes out of your car exaust. Would this be poisoness to the snake?
Funny you ask that Neil,
I asked a little while ago that same question,a nd apparently the Carbon Monoxide fumes get stuck into the fat tissue of the animals you kill, and the feathers/fur, which eventually goes into your snake, and is lethal.

Thats what i was told when i asked a while ago.
Funny you ask that Neil,
I asked a little while ago that same question,a nd apparently the Carbon Monoxide fumes get stuck into the fat tissue of the animals you kill, and the feathers/fur, which eventually goes into your snake, and is lethal.

Thats what i was told when i asked a while ago.

Wow thats very interesting! Well im glad you told me lol:shock:
Yes I thought there would be a reason for nobody doing it before. Thanks Ben.
How about dying from old age? I know it's not practical for your regular supply lol, but when you have a mouse or rat that just gets old and dies, is it safe to feed to your snake?
How about dying from old age? I know it's not practical for your regular supply lol, but when you have a mouse or rat that just gets old and dies, is it safe to feed to your snake?

I have always wondered this. How would you know if the animal died of old age or a disease with no visible signs?
How about dying from old age? I know it's not practical for your regular supply lol, but when you have a mouse or rat that just gets old and dies, is it safe to feed to your snake?

problem with this would be they would lose so much condition before dying, not much in the way of meat on an old fart, better off with a quick painless whack or put them in a bath for a swim and throw in the misus's hair dryer;)
Not really the case, there is room for error just like any method. CO2 is only humane when used correctly and it isnt very effective at killing young rodents. CO2 is definately the best option if you are squemish about killing them with force, other than that its a waste of time and money IMO.
What is the correct method of using co2?
What is the correct method of using co2?

Dont quote me directly as I havent read it in a while, but it states filling 30% the volume of the container every minute.

What do you consider a bad one?

As sdaji said, and ones with poor immune systems prone to mycro flareups etc.

But my prefered method of killing them is just freezing them. (I'll prob get in trouble for some reason though!)

OH I wonder why. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: How about we throw you in a freezer and see how nice it is..
Dont quote me directly as I havent read it in a while, but it states filling 30% the volume of the container every minute.

As sdaji said, and ones with poor immune systems prone to mycro flareups etc.

OH I wonder why. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: How about we throw you in a freezer and see how nice it is..

what are micro flareups could you explain please?
what are micro flareups could you explain please?


Sorry typo, meant Myco. Nearly every rat, if not all of them, carry it in their lungs. If they have a poor immune system caused by stress, overcrowded tubs, dust from poor bedding, etc, it can flare up into lung infections. Once that happens they either need to be treated with antibiotics (usually Baytril or doxycyline, which doesnt always work anyway) or simply put down.

Sadly my only pet rat has a lung infection, hes only a year old so thought id do my best for him. Hes on oral doses of baytril every day, steam sessions in the shower, eccinacia etc, I hope he can pull through and fight it off the best he can.
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