Really bad shed

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Feb 3, 2010
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Hi My yearling jungle suffered a really bad shed.
shed clean for about 15 cm from nose down. The rest of the old skin is still stuck To me it looks like he failed to tear through it. I noticed him begining to shed during the day 2 days ago which already struck me as strange seeing he usually did it at night. I could also say that his eyes didnt grey/ blue before this occured. Any advice as to wiether i should let nature take its course and he will work it out for himself or should i try assist him. I took him out last night to have a bit of a look and he was quiet distressed attempting to bite me every chance he got..(usually very placid) Please advise
You may have to pin him very gently behind the head so you don't get smashed or wear a pair of light rubber gloves and place him in some warm water for approx. 5 mins to soften up the skin. Than slowly peal the skin off him, but make sure you peal the skin back towards the tail end. If the skin is soft enough, it will come off quite easily, if not than keep his body under water for a few more minutes till it does become soft.
Thanks Wayne
Spot on gave him a warm soke and old skin came off easily (and hes looking sharp)
Much appriciated
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