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Not so new Member
Jun 19, 2008
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What would be the best python for a person new to having a snake as a pet??
When you got/get your license there is a whole list of species you can choose from. All vary considerably in size, colour variety and price. Look through the gallery on this site or google images and choose the one you like most then find out some info about that species. I might like green ones and you might like yellow ones. Its a very individual choice. Hope this helps.
A Bredli is a great snake to start with although they get to quite a large size rangeing from 2.5-3m around that size.I had one as my first reptile and i've got two now .They are easy to look after like most snakes ;)
If you have any questions feel free to pm me or another member ;)
The first pic is of my 4.5 month female and the secondis of my 1.3yr old male
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spotted python I say because they are great handles and make great first snakes they come in a few different morphs such as blond platinum train track macs.
coastal carpet... long as you don't mind size, make sure you get an established feeder to
Although all the spotted's you have handled SA may have been good handlers, most of the ones i have have handled have been nervous and flighty. I would recomend something like a Murray Darling or Coastal for a first snake as they normally have good temperaments, but all snakes are different so you should just shop around and pick which snake looks good to you and has a good temp.
i like the bredli also.

hey nikki, is your first one a hypo? it looks like it with the reduced black... its awsome anyway!! :)
Hay there Rowzer,

Mate I got my first python about 12-13 days ago and he is a little Stimsons, he already has had a shed, eaten, shat and bitten so I think he is one of the family, from memory one post mentions that the Antaresias can be fiddly and possible so but... If this is your first (as mine) how do we know? Cool little bugga though!
Start from small, like a stimson hatchling, learn and work your way up.
I'd have to say a Murray Darling, they tend to be good handlers
In that price range, depending on the size you want i would go M.D or Bredli. they are usually more ddocile and hardy. But as has already been said it depends on the individual snake. Good luck with whatever you choose.
i just got my first snake(s childrens) a few days ago...fiddly?? no problems yet...except i though i had lost him when he managed to get on top of his UV light :O. thought he had escaped. anyway, childrens have been no problem for me. it ate last night, 3 days after gettin him, and he is the perfect handler, and ver cute. he loves to curl up on top of my head under my hood while i watch tv. perfect for a beginner
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