Recently went up to central Australia with some compadres in order to find and photograph some reptiles.
We found some!
We did, however, run into some issues, including;
-Flat Tyres
-Mean boom gate operators that said we wouldn't make it to Docker River in my car (we did, and went way further)
-Phone reception going out east of Alice meaning we had no access to eftpos and we had to eat nothing but peanut butter for a whole day
Helmeted Gecko (Diplodactylus galeatus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Eastern Hooded Scaly-foot (Pygopus schraderi) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Pale Knob-tailed Gecko (Nephrurus laevissimus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Smooth Knob-tailed Gecko (Nephrurus levis) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko (Strophurus ciliaris) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Centralian Earless Dragon (Tympanocryptis centralis) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Centralian Knob-tailed Gecko (Nephrurus amyae) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Southern Shovel-nosed Snake (Brachyurophis semifasciatus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Jewelled Gecko (Strophurus elderi) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Monk Snake (Parasuta monachus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Western Hooded-scalyfoot (Pygopus nigriceps) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Desert Spadefoot Toad (Notaden nichollsi) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Thorny Devil (Moloch horridus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Unbanded Shovel-nosed Snake (Brachyurophis incinctus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Mereenie Velvet Gecko (Oedura luritja) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Bronzeback Legless Lizard (Ophidiocephalus taeniatus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Gibber Gecko (Lucasium byrnei) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Gibber Dragon (Ctenophorus gibba) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) by Nick Gale, on Flickr
We found some!
We did, however, run into some issues, including;
-Flat Tyres
-Mean boom gate operators that said we wouldn't make it to Docker River in my car (we did, and went way further)
-Phone reception going out east of Alice meaning we had no access to eftpos and we had to eat nothing but peanut butter for a whole day