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Would I be able to grab your number or email? Very Interested in the pigmy pairReluctantly selling off a few pairs
Pigmy pair 2yr old $800
Axanthic jungle pair 2yr $1000
High yellow jungle pair 3yr female 18mth male $600
Caramel het axanthic female 2yr old $500
no time wasters or pic collectors
If you don’t want to post, my number is 0429080607, my email is [email protected]Would I be able to grab your number or email? Very Interested in the pigmy pair
Pygmys sold, high yellows available I will send pics soonHi are the pygmy pair and high yellow jungles still available if so can you forward photos too 0402411594
Do you still have the high yellow jungle pair the ax pair and the caramel het availableReluctantly selling off a few pairs
Pigmy pair 2yr old $800
Axanthic jungle pair 2yr $1000
High yellow jungle pair 3yr female 18mth male $600
Caramel het axanthic female 2yr old $500
no time wasters or pic collectors
Do you still have the ax pair , the high yellow jungles and the caramel het ax availableReluctantly selling off a few pairs
Pigmy pair 2yr old $800
Axanthic jungle pair 2yr $1000
High yellow jungle pair 3yr female 18mth male $600
Caramel het axanthic female 2yr old $500
no time wasters or pic collectors