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Active Member
Feb 4, 2012
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SE suburbs. Melbourne
So theres probably already on here somewhere that says how to render a enpanda foam rock wall... I cant find any real intructions so posting a new thread on. Need help ASAP with it. Mixing, application, how many coats...
mix it up to an 'acrylic paint' consistency and paint it on - easy as. Allow a good 24 hours between coats otherwise it'll all just flake off.
3 or 4 coats is usually about all thats needed, then seal with a non-porous acrylic sealant(pool/pond sealer).
Some folks put a little PVA glue in to give it some strength. I only add a little in place of some of the water for the first layer. It tends to be a bit shiny otherwise so the second and third coats I do are without. Definitely 24+hrs between coats as mentioned above. On expanda I only do 3 coats, foam rendered walls I do 4-5 thinner ones. Good luck and post some pics when you're done. :D
a bit of a status update so far... Happy with progress for a first attempt
Very Nice mate. I was wondering (becuase I would like to try my hand at this) how you normally go about making this. Is it just your normal Expanda-Foam can followed by painting it or are there other easier methods?
Nah just used the expandable foam for this one, I think on my next attempt I'll use a combination of both. But I won't worry about that yet. Another unfinished project around the house and the missus will shoot me, so must finish this.
Very Nice mate. I was wondering (becuase I would like to try my hand at this) how you normally go about making this. Is it just your normal Expanda-Foam can followed by painting it or are there other easier methods?

I just sprayed it on, let it dry, then painted over with a render mix as mentioned above. Pretty easy mate, give it a crack... I reckon it'd be pretty hard to have it go wrong
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