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Not so new Member
Feb 27, 2009
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i am going on holiday for 10 days next week, i have a hatchling stimson which needs taking care of (water filled, fed). Does anyone know someone whos in the position to do this? or runs a business doing this?
Im in the Perth area

As long as the temps are correct and setup on a timer (can be bought from bunnings for $5) he wont need any looking after
I went to Bali for 2 weeks and mine was fine.. Just gave her an slightly bigger feed before I went, put in and extra water container and all was good!
its a pretty big risk imo. what if there is a power outage or a thermostat malfunction??????
I don't use thermostats. Globes run off those heavy duty surge protector boards, brand new globe run in for a week so it wasn't going to blow. And if there was a power outage, well I guess I would be in the same boat if I was at home. If the power ever goes out where I live its never for more than an hour
I do see your point though fidzy, if the globe had blown then she wouldve been cactus... but my suggestion was more that you can set your snake up so no1 has to touch it or feed it while you're on holidays... It could be quite easy to give a mate your spare key, and tell them to check if the globe is on during the day and temps if you use thermostats... Have a spare globe sitting there and teach them how to replace it or adjust the thermostat if need be.
Yeah im just going to put the light on a timer and put a larger water container in the click clack so it doesnt evaporate. Ill feed it before i go and the day i get back so it should be fine.
I do see your point though fidzy, if the globe had blown then she wouldve been cactus... but my suggestion was more that you can set your snake up so no1 has to touch it or feed it while you're on holidays... It could be quite easy to give a mate your spare key, and tell them to check if the globe is on during the day and temps if you use thermostats... Have a spare globe sitting there and teach them how to replace it or adjust the thermostat if need be.

yeah if somone is there to check on it every couple of days it will be fine.
as well seumas,it dont really get that cold to be to concerned in Darwin .....
unlike Perth in winter ...I would especially as its a hatchy ,see if you can get a mate to check on it a few times during the time your away
I would put 2 waterbowls in the cage in case the python uses one as a toilet
make sure shes digested, and pooed before u leave incase the globe blows, dont want undigested food sitting in her tummy.

offer 2 water bowls incase 1 gets soiled,...

maybe u can get a neighbour to change water half way thru, but seriously, it should be ok,.... :p
Yeah i have a container to hold 2 seperate water lots so that will be fine as you can see in the pic.

Not sure whether i should try and feed him again before i leave, last fed on Sat, im leaving Tues night. How long should a hatchy go without a feed?
Is 2 weeks okay as a once off?

2 weeks is fine, I wouldn't bother feeding just incase a light blows.
feeding is not a problem, i wouldnt feed her if i was you. 9 times out of 10 your snake will be fine, its just malfunctions that could cause a problem, like others have said just get a mate to double check every couple of days
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