Put up a wanted advert the other day on Reptiles Down Under. Unfortunately the only response I've received so far has been from a Cameroon scammer 
Here's the email chain that I had a bit of fun with
The first email from them had photos of APS members lizards making it a dead give-away as a scam straight up.... Dumb...
Good for a laugh if nothing else :lol: I reported it to 'ScamWatch' (ACCC) but nothing will come of that.
Here's the email chain that I had a bit of fun with
Good for a laugh if nothing else :lol: I reported it to 'ScamWatch' (ACCC) but nothing will come of that.
Haha! Which part of the UK is Douala, Cameroon?? You take me for an idiot!
At least it's nice to know you've taken over from the twats over the border in Nigeria……
Your first email was reported to the Federal Police (yes, I've been aware of your shenanigans from your first email) - I've just been sending these emails for some funNow I can also pass on your "son's" details as well, ta!
Better luck next time. Hope you die a horrible death
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2012 7:49 PM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Hello Dear,
Thanks for your understanding i am very happy to have you understan our situation. Please i hope all is okay by you just help all is going to be fine
Bellow is his information for the tranfere
Recievers Name......Ndue Daniel Masango
Post Code.....00237
Test Question ......to who
Answer ...... family
Thanks for your understanding above are the details provided for the tranfere to where he is now. Please once you are done with the transfer you get back to me with the details then i will let him confirm the payment Then i get back to you asap Thanks waiting to read fro you
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 18:48:40 +1000
If you hadn't spent all this time discussing something I'm not going to do you would have had the cash already in your hand - then you could have sent the money to your son in the time it has taken to continue asking me to send it on your behalf.
Tell you what - provide me his details and I'll try to send him some. No guarantees though, my time also is quite precious.
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2012 5:37 PM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
hello Dear,
why dont you think if hat was possible i could have been wasting time talking to you i am just asking for a favour if you can do that then let say i dont think you do understand my time shedule if i had time i wouldnt have been giving the lizards out for free okay we also love them so try and understand if that cant work by you then fine okay?
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 10:17:57 +1000
What I don't understand, and please explain, is how - when I was going to pay $500 and the driver was going to give it to you cash in hand - that you couldn't find the time to send the $200 to your son? I'm the customer; make it easy for me. Your son is your son; you deal with that, he's not my concern - paying you the fair amount for the lizards is my only concern. I couldn't make it any easier for you - Freight company turns up to your door and hands you money in exchange for the lizards. I don't know anyone that would refuse that!!! Except you….
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 10:40 PM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
okay why do you find it dificult to send the money to my son but i am giving you my pet for adoption without much payment
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:35:38 +1000
I will have the cash paid to you on pickup, or cash on delivery when I receive the lizards, or there's no deal. Thank you for your understanding.
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 10:30 PM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Hello Dear,
I understand with you if you could do the payment then that will be fine or what are you thinking we just need you to understand with us you could help us in making the transfer to our son that is not about third party okay waiting to read from you ...
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:25:51 +1000
The transport driver is going to do nothing of the sort - he will either drop it off when he picks up the lizards, so you can then make the payment yourself, or you can go without. There's nothing in it for the shipping company so why would they? I'm sure you can find the time seeing as your son needs the money so badly. Sorry, but I'm simply not going to send the money to a third party - I will only feel secure once you have the money.
You still haven't given me the collection address, making it very difficult for me to get things organised.
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 9:59 PM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Hello Dear,
Thanks for the help we are very greatefull to have you understand with us about the payment to be transfer to our son, actualy we do not have enough time but if you could have the transport driver transfer the money to my son asap because we do not have the time to do that due to my condition now like i earlier told you about my husband me helping him out in the hospital.
He is in the UK the driver will have to tranfer the money there, as soon as he confirm the payment then i will let you know the appropriate time for the pickup of the Lizards.
Please confirm then i will send to you his full names that you will use in transfering the money first thing 2morrow morning and my house address for the pickup with the time okay?
Thanks waiting to read from you...
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 08:51:36 +1000
No problem - seems like a small amount to pay for the lizards. I'll have the transport driver give you the payment for $200 (In all fairness to the worth of the lizards I'll probably give them a bit more, so you'll be pleasantly surprised!). This is a normal procedure for the transport company I use - they make shippment payments on collection, like COD (Cash On Delivery) but in reverse, and the person selling the goods gets the payment up front; it's a fantastic service they offer that should take off worldwide!
You can then transfer the money to your son.
Let me know the details I have asked below so we can get organised.
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2012 5:26 AM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Hello Dear,
Thanks for the help and since you will be arranging the transportation company for the pick up of lizards to be delivered to your home that is fine there is this help my husband and i will like you to do for us, Our son is in studies now out of the country he study's human resources and now he just called that he has run short of money now so we do not have enough money now we will like that you help us transfer him $200 so it can help him through his studies he is out of the country, Please we are ready do give you our Lizards we just want you to confirm that then we will provide to you our address for you to arrange for the pick up of the lizards, With your confirmation we will provide our sons name and country in which you will be transferring the money to him we know this is a huge responsibility but you just have to help us.
Please confirm to us so we can proceed with the deal once confirm we proceed asap
Waiting to read from you soon...
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 09:47:33 +1000
Sorry to hear about your problems, but hopefully I can ease your concerns by being able to look after the lizards.
Even better news, given the tough time of it you guys must be experienced, is that you don't even have to worry about arranging the transport or anythingI have an account with a large transport company that I have used on many many occasions to move reptiles and birds around Australia - even from Perth before - and I'll engage them to make the shippment. You won't have to do a thing
Works out awesome for all of us!!
All I need from you to make this happen is your:
Full Name:
Post Code:
Phone number:
Land line:
Also, let me know when it would be most convenient for them to pick up the lizards so I can book that in.
Thanks for contacting me and making this all possible. How exciting!
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, 25 November 2012 4:14 AM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Hello Dear,
Thanks for your confirmation of the photos. i am ready to hand them to you since you are ready to take good care of them, first i will like to let you know the reason for me giving them out, i am giving them out due to my husband condition since he was cancer diagnose and he was the one taking care of them now i have no time to take care of them so he asked me to look for a lovely home to help us take good care of them.I am not selling them my husband ask me to give them out for free adoption to a home that will be able to take good care of them so all you will have to pay is the transportation of them to your home.
Since you are ready to do delivery i will look for a delivery company of good reputation here that will bring them over to your home.i am located in Perth
All i will have you do for me now is to get back to me with your full delivery address as follows.
Full Names.....
House Address......
Post Code.......
Telephone Number.......
Land Line........
With these details i will take them to the delivery company and make arrangement for them to be delivered over to your door step, as for the transportation fee i do not know yet i will have to go to the delivery company and ask about the transportation fee and get back to you asap okay?
so get back to me with the details above.
Thanks waiting to read from you soon....
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 23:30:47 +1000
Yes, they are fine. I'm in Townsville and can take delivery of them whenever you're able to send them
How much?
Once again I'll ask - Where are they?
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, 24 November 2012 10:09 PM
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Thanks for your interest in my monitors i will like to know where are you located ?
and how soon do you need them ?
and if you will take good care of them cause they are lovely
attached are some photos of them
V. tristis orientalis
V. scalaris
V. pellewensis
view them and get back to me..if they are okay by you
waiting to read from you soon....
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Monitors - various
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 21:17:39 +1000
Yes I am. Where are they, I'm happy to pay freight costs
From: ashly rolly [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, 24 November 2012 8:50 PM
Subject: RE:Monitors - various
i just wanted to find out if you are still interested in the Monitors - various
V. tristis orientalis
V. scalaris
V. pellewensis
i can supply you please get back to me so we can talk more on them and the transportation
Thanks waiting to read from you