Very Well-Known Member
thanks guys. cant wait to pick her up. I dont know what henry puss is going to think of an inside dog, hes not too fussed on the out door guys....
I'm trying to sell my car (which I did today, yayy!) but this is what you get when you advertise on Gumtree... a very busy type as i work long hours everyday off shore oil rig department,i have gone through your advertisement and i am satisfied with it., i am sure he will be more than happy with it. I can only pay with PayPal here, i will need you to give me your PayPal email address so i can make the payments asap and please if you don't have PayPal account yet, it is very easy to set up, go to paypal and get it set up , after you have set it up i will only need the e-mail address you use for registration with PayPal so as to put the money through. note well: Pick up agent will come for the pick up as soon as i have made the payments, i would have loved to talk to you on phone but I work mainly offshore, our phone is down on the rig right now due to bad weather, we can only communicate with our base for now...
On a side note be very careful where you buy puppies from make sure you get one from a registered breeder as there are heaps of puppy farms in australia selling dogs with no real thought to genetic defects and living conditions .
And make sure you can see both parents as some times they use a residential address as a front and make all sorts of excuses as to where the parents of your puppy are.
I hope i can do this but i suggest a website called "dogsonline" they have done most of the hard work for you by venting who can advertise on there but still be care full .
And remember when buying a pedigree dog cheaper is not necessarily better , there is no point spending less money on the initial price when the vet bills on an inferior animal will make up the difference in the first year.
Or even better adopt a dog from a rescue organization which has already been vet checked and temperament checked .
my 5 cents.