shed help please

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Active Member
Feb 14, 2007
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hey guys a mate of mines snake had probs shedding so i advised him to soak him and help him shed by hand.. he did that all good but he said theres a few small patches of scales bout the size of a 5cent piece at the biggest that are light brown and a bit sticky.. its an olive and the patches are lighter than normal colour.. i think the stickyness is that hes taken off the top layer of "skin" due to the snake spose to have shed a few days ago..

does he need to put anything on the scales?? will they get infected etc?? as ive never encountered this prob

cheers for ya help tonks
Nice name Tonks, I like your style!

Never had to deal with a problem shed myself, but things I've read before have indicated that soaking doesn't always get retained shed first go, so maybe going over the process again may help? I've also seen sprays on the market that are supposed to help soughing, got no idea of their effectiveness though, but may be worth a try too.

I have soaked my and assisted my spotteds a few times. I found if the shed wont come of with minor assistance then dont force it , you dont want to harm them. if it dont come off the first time then repeat the soaking the next night. If you have taken off actual new skin, depending on severness you can try using a cotten tip with some betadine to dab it every night to assist healing. if it looks really bad, maybe vet?
If you spay him everyday at least twice a day for a couple of days up to the shed and keep a bowl of water in the enclosure it should shed ok.
he could try some paw paw salve, its all natural and has an antibacterial in it. It will help moisten the area and medicate it. My vet gave it the ok & I've used it to treat injured/problem shed wild reps and it works great. get it from any health food store or chemist, in a red tube or tub. rub a little on the affected area.
yep thanks guys he said the sticky patches have heled over night, still there just not sticky.. id say it wasnt quite ready in some parts and has taken a thin layer off.. snake had a feed and it goin good thanks for the replys on my mates behalf..

yeah tonksy mine my nickname;)
yep thanks guys he said the sticky patches have heled over night, still there just not sticky.. id say it wasnt quite ready in some parts and has taken a thin layer off
yeah tonksy mine my nickname

Good to hear the rest of the slough went well brother! haha :D
yep all doin well cheers for input
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