Shedding Question

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Not so new Member
Feb 17, 2013
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South East Queensland
So my almost yearling coastal carpet python recently shed her skin, and I think I see some retained shed on the scales just behind her head. I have tried letting her slide through a warm cloth to no avail. Should I try soaking her maybe in a warm bath or should I wait until next shed?

Does or can that happen, can retained shed come off successfully with the next shed? The scales that seem retained are very small and I don't want too risk hurting her or damaging her. I have attached a photo so you can judge for yourself.

Thanks in advance for any advice, she's a darling of a snake and a true treasure in my life. She's my first snake and this happened about two sheds ago with the tip of her tail, but that came off pretty easily.

get a towel or some sort of cloth and soak it in warm not hot water squeeze excess and wipe the snake gently should come off pretty easily or you could use lucas paw paw ointment and just rub a little n the retained scales wait a couple of minutes then wipe off..hope this helps
beautiful looking coastal by the way
I had the same problem with our "Coastal" about 1 year ago during a period of very low humidity, just as Nilesh suggested we used Paw Paw cream with a cotton tip and the retained peices just wiped straight off after a couple of minutes, had a look a couple of hours later and it appeared a little dry where the retained peices were so rubbed some baby oil in that area and have had no probs since. :) ........................Ron
Thanks so much for your help guys, I will have another crack with the warm water and if not I'll get a hold of this paw paw cream.

And thanks Nilesh! She's a gem, when I bought her she was apparently a really slow feeder to begin with and also the snappiest out of the breeder's clutch (I was told), but never had a problem feeding and I was surprised that it took almost no time at all for her temper to basically completely disappear. Man they are cool snakes, the only time she gets a bit skittish is when she's around shed, but a wonderful snake, coastals have to be up there with my favourite pythons I reckon.

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