Well-Known Member
Not a fan of those high temps
Wow that sucks....
Still though, maybe his 'vacation' might be good for him, better than finding something getting sicker and sicker and dying.
I hope you find him, and hope his little adrenaline rush might make him come round in the end.
Perhaps someone needs to invent reptile leads for walking....
Really Dave94? Wow there you go, learnt something today...
ANd Tozzary, yeah it is kinda funny and ironic and whatnot, but i gotta think how crushed i would be if that happened to me.... I would imagine the poor kid is devastated.
I spose next time we may need to be a bit clearer on advice given. In this case: hold your bearded dragon out in the sun and do not let go, or use a non glass enclosure it can't escape out of to sun in.
Okay Tozzay so what should have been done? The Beardie was suffering from a lack of UV and the OP didnt have any UV Lighting to rectify the problem.
Should rbb have maybe told the OP to grab the Beardie, walk slowly to the back door, open the back door, proceed outside, close the back door, walk to a sunny spot in the yard and place the Beardie in an escape proof container. Then continue to watch and monitor the Beardie for a while ensuring not to loose sight of him. Then do the reverse all over again? I dont think so, dont understand why you were taking a stab at rbb's advice.
Point is, rbb advised the OP to let the Beardie bask outside for a while. Whether it be due to the OP's idiocy or just plain and simple bad luck there is no amusement behind the Beardie getting lost.
Plain and simple you were making fun of rbb and a 10 year old. If that is your personality and you were simply "being yourself" then you really should be ashamed.
Sorry but i also gotta laugh at the level of stupidity shown by the OP, it's like taking a bird outside and expecting it not to fly away.
regardless of weather you NEED to take him OUTSIDE he needs the light badly ..he will get sicker if you do not get him the light ..take him out to get light ,sit in the back yard and watch him but he needs to get light start
Sorry but i also gotta laugh at the level of stupidity shown by the OP, it's like taking a bird outside and expecting it not to fly away.