Sick Bleeding Beardie, Anyone heard of this before...

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Not so new Member
Oct 16, 2008
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Menai - Sydney
My 8 week old Pygmy Beardy was eating & alert & doing really well & on Wednesday when I went to feed it there was literally blood everywhere...........

2 big pools on the floor of the enclosure & blood all over the left side of the head & leg.

I rushed it to the vet (who deals in reptiles) & they cleaned it up but we could not tell where the blood was coming from. It was alone when it happened so was not bitten.

After a shot of antibiotics & rehydration I brought it back home. Thursday it was just quiet & Friday I was to take it back to the vet which I did.
They gave it another injection & said as it was breathing a little strangely & had moments of energy & then what appeared lethargy that they thought it mught have pnemonia(spell?).

Saturday I took it back just as they said & was told to continue Antibiotic & see how it goes...

Well, Sat arvo after vet closed I found it covered in blood again(4 days after first time). I cleaned it up & saw it was coming from its ear & eye sockets. Its eye is still moving & working but seems to be seeping from under the eyeball & the ear seems still in tact(the vet did look at thet) but the blood was from there also.
Today same thing, this arvo more blood!!!!!

What could be wrong with it. I am going to go back to the vet tomorrow but I am really worried about it.

It did eat about 10 pinheads today which was good as it would not eat since Wednesday prior to this morning but is really lethargic now.....

Any ideas...... I appreciate your help.
I have no idea what it could be but i wope it gets better kep us posted
No chance food items or animal may have been exposed to chemicals or poisons? Stuff like ratsac thin the blood, killing by heamorage, and bleeds from all orifices...

Just a possibility.
Poor little darling :( I really hope the vet works it out very quickly for him. There is nothing in my bearded dragon manual about those symptoms. Keep us posted.
I'm off to the vet this morning.

It is in the same enclusure it has been in since hatching. I feed it pinheads & beans which it loved.

There is no chemicals used. The others are all fine in similar enclosures being fed the same food & in the same room.

It is upsetting as the poor thing is just helpless.
The only positive is it is still alive & is surviving now after 5 days of the same thing.

This is the time you wish they could talk to you so you knew what was wrong!
So the trip to the vet was fruitless?? Your situation is just heartbreaking to me, I wouldnt know how I'd feel if it were my beardy going thru this. All the best tho...I hope the litte guy gets better very soon.
My little Pygmy ate last night so I was so relieved. It had about 15 pinheads. It also had a few more this morning.
The only thing is there was more blood today............
Just now it pooed which looked normal so that is an excellent sign!

It seems to bleed only when it is warmed up. When it is in the cooler end it sleeps & does not bleed.

It is definitely coming from the eye socket & the ear hole but only on the left hand side....
I would love to know whet it is!!!!!!!!!
Thought I would give a quick update.

My baby is doing well now. I have not had any fresh bleeding for since the 10th so its been 5 days now & it is eating really well, pooing & is alert & climbing.

I would love to know what was wrong with it but I know I never will.
The vet seems to think it was a haemorage of some kind but as it is so small the tests were not going to be viable.

Now I just have my fingers crossed that it continues to do well!!!
That would be scary for you to experience. I hope thats the end of it. Sweet little things the pygmys, I really miss mine.
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