sick pygmy dragon

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Active Member
Sep 27, 2006
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hey guys

ok so my hatchy pygmy is sick, its head is drooping and when it ate a cricket it vomited it back up again, its not running around as much as it used to.

i have a heat lamp in there at 30degrees. and a water bowl, it has had vegies, crickets and calcium, the bedding is repti bark and sand.

can anyone please help me.
I would give him a warm bath. This should help him pass any waste & re-hydrate him. If there is no change after that, I would take him to a vet.
Those symptoms are very general and at this stage could be indicative of anything. I would put him in a smaller container, like a small click-clack or something under a UV tube with a heat mat underneath, with paper towel as a substrate. The main thing is to keep him warm and dry. Leave him be in terms of feeding for a day and then see if he is interested later. Keep him like this and try feeding him. If he doesn't get any better, it could be time to visit the vet.
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