sick snake!! need help!!

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Not so new Member
Dec 13, 2012
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hi, i have two proserpine carpet pythons i bought as a pair.. one starting eating within two weeks having it and the other still hasnt eaten (got them 26th december last year ) the one that hasnt eaten yet wasnt really active at all, but its started to come out of the hide box a bit now, but usually just sits on top
the only reason i got these is to breed them, but doesnt look like thats happening now!!
okay so the one that hasnt eaten yet, i just noticed as it was coiled it had wrinkly skin so i decided to take photos, and now that i have taken the photos i see a bit of red in between the scales... it never ever bathes in the water dish, but it looks dehydrated and the skin feels kinda dry compared to the other, so i decided to spray it everynow and then..
the other snake is perfectly healthy and eats all the time
does anyone know whats wrong ?!?!
thanks in advance
here are photos - Sick Snake Photos by fre0005 | Photobucket

also the tank is at 31 degrees on the hot spot 24/7

i have also looked for mites but i cant see any, crawling on it or under its head, i have sprayed down the cage previously with mite spray and spray it every now and then with reptile disinfectant

i think the red, might just be reflection from the heat light
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its not covered, but i dont think its a burn, it looks more dehydrated as the wrinkles are only there when it is coiled
Are they being kept in the same enclosure or seperately, as keeping them together may be stressful, causing one not to take food... In my opinion, The wrinkly scales appear to be where the python may be losing condition, so when it coils, it creates folds or wrinkles and causing the scales to lift and stick out a bit... My advice would be to have a herp vet check it out ASAP as this will give a more definitive answer....Best of luck, hope all is ok.
thats what i was trying to say, but no they are kept in seperate enclosures
For dehydration, people on here have used a bath with electrolytes which seems to rehydrate well, not sure of what they use or ratio they mix in it. Im sure someone in APS land can assist with hydration bath methods....

What feeding methods have you attempted? Ie: brained a rat, fed a quail, scented prey items etc, as its been 4 months and although they can survive without feeds for a while, it's not ideal, and this quite possibly may be the cause of concern in the non feeder...
feeding methons, have tried braining the rat, tried dipping its head in egg yolk, tried waving it near its head, have tried just putting it in there and waiting a day, have tried putting it in warm water, and the rat thats in there now is actually bleeding a little
I don't have any other ideas I'm sorry... I hope someone on APS can help you further...
At what temp are you offering the rat at, sometimes heating the prey item up a bit more than usual can make the difference between having a go at it or ignoring it.....................Ron
How old is your snake? I would try and bump the hot spot up to maybe 34. As suggested about a warm bath of gatorade can firstly hydrate the snake and secondly sometimes will stimulate feeding if you get the powder and mix it at half strength and make the bath 28 degrees for about 30 min , you could also put the tub on the hot water system to keep warm but do not let it get too warm.
Looks like a burn to me.
Take it to a vet and get what ever it is sorted out and diagnosed.
Not sure about the redness looks like that is off the light from the picture. Try seperate him could just be stressed, If he is still not feeding maybe time for an assist feed to get his response back. He does look dehydrated, wet the rat in water just to get some extra fluid in him. Start with a small item if you are going to assist him.
i would be taking it to a vet, it may be the start of scale rot
If it hasnt eaten in 4 months something is wrong

Have you talked to the seller yet?
They might know why
Check what their husbandry was etc etc
Bump up the temp. 31 is too low I reckon. Try for at least 32c (33-35 would be better).

Also if you want to rehydrate him (similar to what sd1981 suggested) I've heard of people using powerade (not sure of the ratio though).

don't know about the redness. Could be a burn. Or the way the light is reflecting in the photo. Is it still there when you take a photo out of the enclosure... Away from the light?
Bump up the temp. 31 is too low I reckon. Try for at least 32c (33-35 would be better).

Also if you want to rehydrate him (similar to what sd1981 suggested) I've heard of people using powerade (not sure of the ratio though).

don't know about the redness. Could be a burn. Or the way the light is reflecting in the photo. Is it still there when you take a photo out of the enclosure... Away from the light?

im fair sure the redness is from the light, as i cant see any red when i take it out...
ill try 32.5 on the temp.
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