silly question

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
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Broken Hill
hubby and i have finished putting together the flat pack we bought after waiting ages for missing bits to be sent to us

now each end has a vent, one high and one low

before i start putting in the lights i am curious which end should be the 'hot' end the one with the vent high or low

sounds silly i know but gone totally blank on it though i 'think' it should be the end with the high vent as hot air rises and the low one will let the cool air in so aid in circulation

so if its the high end ill have to take the top off and change the ends around because the hot end with the light will have to be up the other end close to the power source which is next to the other enclosure

thanks in advance

i 'think' it should be the end with the high vent as hot air rises and the low one will let the cool air in so aid in circulation

That's what I did. The hot air escapes and fresh cold air is sucked in at the other end.
The top vent is supposed to be at the warm end, but if I was in your situation I would not bother pulling it apart and putting it back together.
The 4-5mm gap between the sheets of glass is a big vent anyway so you will still get circulation.

When I build enclosures now, i put a vent in the middle of the wall on the warm end, and two vents- up top and down bottom on the cool end.
i guess i could leave it as it is then once the lights are in and the thermo (those thingys can never spell them right lol) i could test run it for a week to see how it goes temp wise prior to adding occupants

of course by then ill also have in the log, branch, paves, basking section and feeding station. scored a huge hollow log about 2ft long they will love when bigger and its going to be in the middle under what will be the UVB light

when the set up is finished ill post pictures
I might be wrong but it looks like you have the upper track support on back to front, the locking lugs should be inside not outside.
probably do herc, hubby put those bits on when i wasnt around, i do have around here somewhere a sheet of stickers the same as the 'woodwork' so you can cover the holes over? just gotta find where i put them

so glad to get it together after waiting weeks for the missing bits that it doesn't worry me they are showing, it will also explain why i had to change the tracks (top/bottom) around so the glass would fit better, didn't click at the time
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