Smooth Knob Tail Gecko Help

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
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NSW, Central Coast
how can i tell if the female has layed there are little holes everywhere when she lays will i be able to notice a bigger hole or something????????
You'll here her digging like crazy a day or two prior to laying, to check just lift up the tub and you'll spor the 2 egg sont he bottom of the tub or just excavate the sand gently if your unable too see or do that.
My female layed this morning and one of the first things i noticed was that she had 2 large indentatioms in her side.:)
thanks for the help guys.
she is in a wood enclosure so im going to put her in a glass one i think being able to see the would help.
My female laid 2 eggs this morning as well....hehe what a coincidence. I

ts my first time at breeding geckos.
You will notice her digging alot around the enclosure, she will have a pre-lay shed before the laying... After her laying you will notice her to be very thin. That will give off the indication that she has layed the eggs.

You will notice her digging alot around the enclosure, she will have a pre-lay shed before the laying...
None of my geckoes have ever had anything that could be called a pre lay shed - they dont shed before every clutch. My snakes are a different story though;)
Geck. My levis sheds everytime before her laying. I guess I might be wrong. I might leave this to the experts with geckos.
Mine sometimes have a shed just before laying,. but definately not every time.
Geck. My levis sheds everytime before her laying. I guess I might be wrong. I might leave this to the experts with geckos.
Wow, I havn`t heard of that before! I might be wrong but none of my gecko`s show any sort of regularity when it comes to shedding before laying. I`ve had three different species of gecko (including levis) all lay in the last 2 weeks but havn`t had any shed for at least 6 weeks and the last one that did shed was a male.
Fair enough. My levis has only laid 2 clutches this season and has shed before both of them, she shed a day or two before laying.... I just thought thats what it was pre lay. Sorry if I gave false information.
I tend to notice that larger species (Oedura, Cyrtodactylus) will have ritual pre-lay sheds before deposition. However, others (Knobtails, Thicktails etc) seem to shed one time, not shed the next etc...

One thing that all geckos seem to do in the immediate few days before laying is absolutely smash the enclosure and make it look like the biggest dump ever (shame if you have spent some time trying to fancy it up).
yer they deffinately smash the enclores before laying, one of my girls in a 3foot enclosure will move 1/2 the sand in it when shes laying- so a very large amount of digging
Fair enough. My levis has only laid 2 clutches this season and has shed before both of them, she shed a day or two before laying.... I just thought thats what it was pre lay. Sorry if I gave false information.
Dont be sorry mate, If my female had only laid 2 clutches and shed before each clutch i would have assumed the same:)
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