Very Well-Known Member
The OP was talking about a baby not kids. A python alone with a newborn baby could pose a risk in my opinion. I wouldnt be happy for my 6 week old son to be alone with any snake. Snakes are opportunistic and given the chance will have a go at just about anything, including their owners arm. Be vigilant and make sure any enclosure is escape proof.
She was only 18 months old when we brought home our BHP, then we went on to have more babies (and snakes). At no time was any infant left alone with any snakes, neither were any of our snakes left unattended or unlocked when the kids were mobile and freeranging. We would always endeavour to have the reptiles in separate rooms, secure, and would never have any out without people to watch both the snakes and the children.
We've always allowed her to be involved with them (under controlled circumstances), and a bite or two has occurred, but as stated she is never anywhere near any of our bigger ones without at least two adults there to control both her and the reptile, so the few nips she has had have been from ants and (on one occasion) a juvie DCP she insisted on helping with. She reacts very well, and I believe this is because we have allowed her to help and we are always open with her and allow her the independance to make her own decisions, within reason. She also researches with me, and when she has any questions I don't know the answers to we look them up together. When her brothers are older, depending on their ability to take information on board and to follow instructions with handling, we'll gradually allow them to assist as well. I think it's beneficial, as snakes and beardies have unique husbandry requirements compared to cats and dogs.
Both lovely specimines.... does your daughter have her own enclosure and heatpad? :lol:
Cheeky Ratbag lol Thank you - She's got the super sized version but I like to keep her at ambient temps
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