snake mite

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Small ticks on the mid north coast are probably grass ticks. I am not a vet and so am reluctant to recommend but reading the directions on the bottle is often a good start.
got orange medic, and because its not a rep thing, im not sure exuaclty how to use it, thats why i have asked. but am happy for someone to help me with this, or even direct me to another product, and give me some advise, as i have never had this issue before. thanks
yeah have heard 25ml of orange medic to half a litre of water, wasnt sure if it could be sprayed directly onto the snake aswell. thanks wokka
Yep - you can drench the snake totally with Orange Medic - it is unlikely to do harm. I'd actually be surprised if they are ticks - ticks almost never (I've never seen it) come off with water, whereas mites drown very quickly, and because they don't attach as firmly as ticks, they do wash off quite easily.

We get grass ticks on the dogs very regularly here on the mid-north coast, but I've never ever seen one on a reptile.

I'd plumb for mites as an ID.

Easy way to tell give them a squish on some clean paper towel if they squish easy and smear everywhere there mites if they take a bit more to squish them there probably ticks.
top decent can kill your reptiles if you spray it in the tank with them! their damages their lungs.
tank them and the water out then spray the tank.
get a tub with a lid and put water in it and put ur snake in it for awhile aswelll coz it willl drwn the mites. its what i do
top decent can kill your reptiles if you spray it in the tank with them! their damages their lungs.
tank them and the water out then spray the tank. This is clear as bell.
get a tub with a lid and put water in it and put ur snake in it for awhile aswelll coz it willl drwn the mites. its what i do What if they're ticks and not mites after all?

ur aswelll coz willl drwn :lol::lol::lol: I llllike that.
My snake had mites, was in her water bowl all day. Took her to the vet and they administered a minute amount of Ivermectin. I gave 2 SC injections every 14 days and they are all completely gone. The way it works its that when ANY blood sucking arachnid consumes the substance in the snakes blood, it kills them. and the remainder of the mites that aren't sucking the blood die of starvation. The only thing is that the snake must be ACCURATLY weighed to ensure the vet doesn't overdose.
Interesting approach, do you know how long the tratment is effective? If it's only for a short time there may be a problem with eggs being laid in the cage that will hatch in few weeks time.
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