Snake removals in Brisbane??

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2004
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If I needed a snake removed from my house and I lived in a place called Cashmere(?) in Brisbane who would I call(being a hypothetical as I would need to).
i'm sure u could get one of us brissy people, though then we would be taking business away from marc.
If you lived in Cashmere, which is north side I would call Marc Furbank. He services the N-side of Brisbane. He's very professional, and has a great release program in conjunction with national parks.
I would go with Marc furbank !
What Type of snake is it pete ?
Can i come Marc ?
I live near there and it would be interesting to know whats around .
RE: Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

I live about two minutes from there Peter and I'm free
RE: Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

well there u go pete, u have urself a winner.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

cwarren72 said:
I live about two minutes from there Peter and I'm free

YES but do you have a Damage Mitigation Permit to remove snakes?
RE: Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

why? I would simply be helping a friend out by removing the things from premises. I am not charging anything for it so why make an issue of it?
Re: RE: Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

cwarren72 said:
why? I would simply be helping a friend out by removing the things from premises. I am not charging anything for it so why make an issue of it?

Reason being freind (not making an issue of it...not my concern who removes the snake) however it is illegel for you to remove it if have not the correct permits (and there are NPWS officers that do attend these forums)....wouldnt want you to get into trouble please dont think that I get upset if someone one else does removals, as long as its not illegal and the wellbeing of the snake is met (not saying that you would harm the snake)

Marc Furbank
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

Your right Marc I definately wouldn't harm them in any way. I love anything Herp. With my reply before I didn't mean for it to sound the way it did, How I should have worded it was is it an issue? As in to what extent do they look at this?
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

cwarren72 said:
Your right Marc I definately wouldnThere some NPWS Officers that also like to keep reptiles, their not looking for illegal stuff but should something came up illegally they may or may not do anything...if you do want to rescue snake call them and find out what you have to do to get the permits....
Re: RE: Snake removals in Brisbane??

Liberated said:
Sounded like a nice Stephen's Banded
quoted from another site.

Well they would be wrong, Cashmere isnt a place Stephens Banded snake would live....
I could only go on the phone discription from a very frightened woman.
That will do for me. If you would like to eyeball it and give a true ID you may get lucky and she will ring you. It could have been a spotted legless pig but that wasnt the discription.
Anyone else up that way. You come across as very terse Marc. This is my sister so I dont want to send rude people round but then again she grew up with me so you'll probably fit right in.
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