So I have made a decision!

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Not so new Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Hey guys,
I have decided upon a children's python as my first snake.
I have been looking after my friends collection whilst she has been on holidays and have decided to take the leap of purchasing one myself.

I just have a few questions in regards to housing.

Where would I find a suitable tank for a children's python?
Is there any places around Sydney West that are reputable for their accessories?
Are there any brands with enclosures I should be wary of, or are there any that are really good and stand out from the rest?

Any other information on enclosures and/or keeping would be awesome because I have really only looked after them while she has been away and haven't really been exposed to 24/7 care as I haven't owned one myself.

Thanks guys!
if your buying a hatchie then you only need to worry about a plastic tub for the first year of his/her life, but when the time comes go with (dickyknee on the site) Bretts enclosures are definatly a stand out, and will save you alot of time and money
um well im a beginner so if im wrong correct me
ive got 3 and it all depends on age and length,if its a hatchling then just a container i recommend a sistema ive got a 3 ltr but u can get anything bigger but 3 ltr is min 7ltr prob max and just a heat mat or heat cord and a thermostat is recommended and just use paper towel and wat ive just found out u can also u walnut shells or something

and with adults just 3ft by 2ft by 2ft is an ok size enclosure but the bigger the better and all u need is a day light and a heat light just use a power saver globe and a infra red if u want but its wat i use and works good and as a substrate newspaper is the cheapest 1 but dont look good or u can use wood shavings ,kittie litter anything really.
If you buy a hatchie it will be kept in a click-clack for the first few months of its life. Being in a large enclosure can make some small snakes nervous, and out them off their food. Also, they can squeeze out of the tinyest gaps!

ExoTera (spelling?) make good enclosure, but most are ok. I'd watch out for some of the tanks sold in petshops that aren't a reputable brand, often they have gaps between the slideing glass that is big enough for the snake to get out of (as a young snake) (by big, i mean 2-3 millimetres)

A childrens python is an excellent first snake, my first snake was also a childrens python.

Urm, other information...
Oh, some people put backing up the wall of their enclosure, I did that with my childrens python. There was a TINY gap at the bottom, and one day I opened her enclosure up, and I couldn't find her, 15 minutes of frantic searching and I find her pressed up against the back wall, between the backing and the glass.
hey im getting a Childrens python too... ive got a 30-40 gallon tank (Im not quite sure) so thats my one... should i keep the hatchling in a smaller one?
hey dude... good choice, antaresia species are wonderful....

some things u gota let us know first are: are u purchasing an adult or a hatchling?? cuz if ur purchasing a hatchling, the best thing to do is to place em in a tub until their old enuff to go into the enclosure.... but the tub has to be in the enclosure so the snake still has it's warm and cool gradients....

you can find suitable enclosures pretty much everywhere.... pet shops, on the for sale section of aussiepythons, try or (for really good melamine enclosures).

ask anyone who owns snakes and im pretty sure they'll say the best enclosures are timber, pine or melamine enclosures, as they retain the heat... but i do know people who have their snakes glass terrariums and are doin perfectly fine.... it's all about personal choice...

i would also recommend buying KEEPING CHILDREN'S PYTHONS by greg fyfe and darren green. you should be able to get it at ur closest reptile shop or order online from it has a section on indoor and outdoor enclosures which mite be beneficial...

hope this bit of info helps u out.... im pretty there'll be alot of antaresia enthusiasts on here willing to help you

good luck with ur snake
hey im getting a Childrens python too... ive got a 30-40 gallon tank (Im not quite sure) so thats my one... should i keep the hatchling in a smaller one?
how bigs that like the measurements of it and u should just go with a container to my childreni is about 45cm now grown about 25 since i got it so boxing day and my adults are 1.1mtr and theres 2 adults in a 4ft by 2ft by 2ft and the hatchlinngs in a sistema 3 ltr but am upgrading to a 5 lte or 7 ltr
Definately getting a hatchling, is there any good breeders anyon would recommend for childrens pythons?
well the guy i got myne off was cheap $150 and the snake is awesome best $150 ive spent on a snake lol hes never bitten and has never refused a feed i just fed him/her about 30 min ago but wat state /suburb u in
but im not sure if he would still have any i goot myne boxing day

great choice. i just got a 6 weeks old blonde spotted python which is from the same species of children' python. chidren' pythons will end up with a plin pattern which i dont like. if i were you i would go with a stimson's or a blonde spotted coz they both grow similiar to children'; pythons but look much better. especially blondies. so research before you get
hey my childreni never lost there colour there still colourful but i would go with something more colourful they are abit boring in colour but there still good to look at
i know that dolittle farm has children's pythons hatchlings aswell as blondies and stimmo's. they are very good breeders. go to their website and call them
If you get a hatchie you just need a click clack, water bowl, hide, heat mat half covering the bottom the click clack. and a thermostat!
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